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The Ragged Police

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The policemen, Sunday morning, needed to be introduced not only to each other, but each to himself. The '"foorce" was ordered home at three o'clock a. m., and soon reappeared clothed in the humble habiliments of ye tramp. They remained in this ragged en masque till 9 a. m. The disguise was very complete; but perfect though it was, the sharp eyes of a few observers penetrated the deception. The policemen could not do the Horace Greeley act with complete success. It is related of the great journalist, who was proverbial for slovenliness, that during the draft riot in New York, when the Tribune office was assailed by a howling, hooting, stone-throwing mob, Horace disguised himself in a clean shirt and boldly walked through the crowd of rioters without awakening the slightest suspicion of his identity. The Ann Arbor policemen were not so successful. Armbruster was soon detected by the wink of his eye, Eldert by a strawberry mark, and Isbell by the manner in which he shifted his quid of tobáceo from one side of his face to the other. Thus the wily saloonists got onto the scheme, and the whole plan of campaign was frustrated.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News