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Opera House Changes

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The slow process of evolution has struck the opera house - not as hard an Ypsilanti Cyclone, it is true, but in a mild form, such as will not wrench the nerves of timid people and persons of delicate constitutions. C. F. Staebler has been empowered and directed to paint the benches in the gallery, where a marked, but as we have said not a violent change is already apparent. M. F. Neithammer is engaged in placing a tight board fence back of the two front rows of seats, which will hereafter separate the sheep from the goats and becorne reserved seats. Gates will be placed at the entrances to the "first heaven," and it will be easier to jab out a camel's eye with a needie than for any but those who have the stuff to enter into the gallery sanctutn sanctorum. Without doubt the change will be a good one, as it will serve to bring into the middle sphere a class of persons whose presence will act as a restraint on the emotions of the gallery gods who will occupy the upper strata. Carpenters are tinkering up the scenery, which as year follows year, steadily increases in value, as relies of the art of a prehistorie age, dating back probably as far as the mound builders. Why this scenery was not exhibited at Chicago, last season, is a question that has been asked by the uninformed. The fact is, the Egyptologists who owned the carcass of Rameses XII, remonstrated, on the ground that it would make the old muramy crazy to meet anything that was older than he was. Patches will be placed ia the holes in the canvas, the tobáceo juice wiped out of the right eye of the goddess of liberty, and a fur collar placed around the back of the stage to keep out the boreal blasts trom the north. The Argus is pleased to note the improvements in the opera house.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News