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Mr. Schuil, of Aun Arbur, was in town a day last week. Mr. Kinney, of Adrián, was in town Tuesday, on business. Mr. Geo. Field, of Tecumseb', spent Sunday visiting his muther. Miss Katie Nissle is visiting her aunt at Toledo the past week. H. Bowen and family, and J. Corey and family, speut Sunday at the lakes. Fred M. Freeman went to Sand Lake last Saturday for a week's recreation. Miss Allie Lazell went to Saline Saturday to visit iriends returning Tuesday. jST. Schmid retumed froni Sand Lake Tuesday, and on Wedneday went to Coidwater. Mx. Conrad Schneider, wil' e and daugliter, oí Broo'klyu, visited a few days in town. Mrs. Bert Amsden went to Brooklyn last week to altend the funeral of her sister's eliild. Mrs. John Rauscheuberger who lias been very siek wuli malaria fever is recovering slovvly. Mrs. Ilenry IJollinger and children, of Jackson,' are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. M. Fisk. Mr. lloward Macomber who has been on the road the past weeks, is spending a few days at home. A. F. Freeman and wife, and little daughter, spent a few days at Jackson, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ilewett. Clarence üerger and sister, Elora, went to Toledo last Thursday to spend several weeks visiting their grandparents. The M .E. church was well attended last Sunday evening, Rev. Yokom delivered a good address on Manchester's recent suicide. Tuesday was a pleasant day for picnics. Early in the uiorning tbe M. E. Sunday school went to Warnpler's lake and all report having liad a good time. A band of Italians struck tovvn last Tuesday, but for some reason or other, after the marshal had talked with taena, they quietly and quickly left town. On Thursday, the usual farmers1 picnic was held at Wampler's lake. Various races took place, and in the afternoon Kev. D. R. Shier addressed the people. Julia Martin went to Ann Arbor Wednesday to attend the teachers' exaraination, and will also spend a week in Saline visiting friends before returning home. Saturday, a party of young men consisting of Elmer Silkworth, Charles Younghaus, Fred Kalmbach, and Honier Talmer went to Wampler's lake prepared to remain a week. The Misses Julia Kirchhofer, Ella Braun, Ida Silkworth, Mae Aylesworth, Kose SculJy and Mrs. Hall went to Ann Arbor, Wednesday, to attend the teachers' examination. Mr. Wm. Dieterle and wife, of Ann Arbor, drove over on Saturday and spent a few days visiting relatives. They were accouipanied home by their cluklren, who iiad been visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Keek. Frank MaGinn has been eireulating j a paper around town in order to get money so that Johnnie Andreas, the blind little boy, can have his eyes operated on. This week Mr. MaGinn will take the little fellow to Detroit. Chris. Marx left, Tuesday, for Blissrield, where he has accepted a position in a dry goods store. From Blissfield he will go to Xew York to purchase goods. Mr. Marx has been clerking in the Banner store for several yeSrs, and has a host of friends who regret to see him go. His many friends wish him success and a pleasant journey to and from New York. At a meeting of the school board last Saturday, Miss Marie Kirchhofer, who has been teaching the grammar room, was elected preceptress of the high scliool, and Miss Julia Couklin will teach the grammar room. The teachers for the eusuing year are as follows: Sudt., Eyan Essery; preceptress, Marie Kirchhofer; grammar room, Julia Conklin; intermedíate room, Nettie M. Gillett; second primary, Julia Martin; first primary.Dillie Hall; ward school, LucyPoncher; general assistant, Minnie McAdams.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News