He Was A Hustler
i Wheu Major General Schofleld went to Keokuk, la., and married one of tho : belles of that town, Miss Kilbonrne, an i amusing incident oecurred which Ar thnr Clarke, business manager of John ; Drew, the comedian, enjoys telling j about. It appears that Mr. Clarke's fa: ther is editor and proprietor of Keokuk's leading paper, The GateCity, and In his counting room ho has a particularly energetic Hebrew, by name Joe Kleia. Joseph is a hnstler in every sense of the word, and the day is bleak indeed when he gets left. He heard of 1 the approaching wedding of Miss Kilbonrne with the distinguished officer, and early 0:1 the inorning of the date set for the happy event he cal'ed at the Kilbourno iiomestead, rang the doorbell and inquired for Mrs. Kilbourne, ruother of the bride. He was informed by the servant who answered his ring that Mrs. Kilbonrne was very much engaj, .1 at the time, but he insisted that he must see her on very important business. In a moment she came half way down the front stairs. She kuew Mr. Klein very well, as people always know each other in small towns, and when she saw him at the door she said: "I con't see you now, Joe. I'm dressing for the wedding. Cali another time. ' ' "But I can't, "said Mr. Klein. "I want you to present me to Major General Schofield. I must meet him. ' ' "That is impossible, Joe," said Mrs. Kilbourne. "The general is dressing for the church. " But the soldier had overheard the controversy from an upper landing, and rather than créate trouble he came down and was duly presented. "General Schofield," began Klein impressively, "do you realize that you are about to take from us one of the fairest flowers we have in Keokuk? Do you know that when she goes henee with you she will long for news of her old neighbors? In order that she may be really made happy by these tidings I ask you now to place your honored name upon the subscription list of The Gate City, which is the best paper in Iowa. Our rates are $8 for the daily per annum and $1.50 for the weekly. Think of your young bride. " And there were tears in Klein's voice as he pleaded for recognition. "Mr. Klein," said the general after regarding the business manager with undisguised admiration for several minutes: "I donot hesitate toproclaim that you are a wonder. You deserve success. Come in, and we will have a bottle of wine together. I will not subscribe for your daily, but you may put me down for your $1. 50 weekly, " and The Weekly Gate City now flnds its way from Keokuk to General Schofield's
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News