The Bear And The Umbrella
How much dauger is there to the pound in a wild black bcar whea yon meet him in his haunts accidentally aud at close quarters? Mrs. C. F. Latham, wife of mine host at Oak Lodge, on the Indian river peninsiila(Brevard county, Fla. ), was returning from the beach alone and armed only with an umbrella. When just a quarter of a mile from this very porch, she heard the rustling of sorne animal coming toward her througb the saw palmettos. Thinking it must be a racccm, he quickly picked up a chunk of palmetto wood and held it ready to wback Mr. Coon over the head the instant he emerged. All at once, with a mighty rnstling, out stepped a big black bear within six feet of her! The surprise was mutual and profound. Naturally Mrs. Latham was scared, but not out of her wits, and she decided that to run would be to invite pursuit and possibly attack. She stood her ground and said nothing, and the bear rose on his hind legs to get a better look at her, making two or three feints in her direction with his paws. Feeling that she must do something, Mrs. Latham pointed her umbrella at the bear and quickly opened and closed tt two or three times. "Woof I" said the bear. Turning about, he plunged rato the palmettos and went crashing away, while the lady ran homeward as East as she conld go. So mnch for the "savage and aggressive" disposition of
Ann Arbor Argus
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