Manhood Restored!
"3ÍEKVE SEEDS." Kiiaruateea iy cure aí r-ervouáuiseaBes.sucn as vvoait iviomory, 1jOS3 oí tírala Power, Headache, Vaktífulne33,Lost Manhood.Nigütly Emlssions, Nervouaness.all drainsandlof-of power in Generativo Organa of etther sexcaused by over exertlon, y onthaal error, excesslve use of tobáceo, opíum orstim ulants, whlchlcadtolnílrniitv'onsumptionor Jnsanity. Can be carriedia . vest pocket, üfcl per box. G ïot ÜS3, by mail prepnld. WltUaS order we f trlve a wrlttcn sruaruntce to cure or refu,nd the money. Sold by alí UrusTífists. Aflï for it, taüs ro othrr. Wríte forfreo Medical Book sentsealed inDlaiuwraoDcr. Addn-?4ÏVjSKVJE3SEEDCO., MasonicTöaiDle. Ghjcaöo. 18O i'orsalein Ana Artwr. Mira.. ív ii. i BltOWN. ■■.-.■
Ann Arbor Argus
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