Tkat Tired Feeliny Is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as in its debility the system is especially liable to sérious attacks of illness. Ilood's Sarsaparilla is the reraedy for such a condition, and also for that weakness whichprevails at thechange of season, climate or life. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, carefulJy prepared trom the best ingredients. 25c. If you want a reliable dye that vvill color an even brown or black, and will please and satisfy you every time, use Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. Tbsurís wm ïu usTTails" SI Boet COQ8I1 Syrup. TMtee Good. Vee B In time. 8old by droggtoU.
Ann Arbor Argus
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