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A Pine Knot Squirrel Hunt

A Pine Knot Squirrel Hunt image
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"A piiie kiiot squirrel hunt is about the most exciting sport I know, ' ' said A. R. Mcllvane. "In the piue woods of the south there are a great many squirrels, and the ground is covered with knots. These are very hard, and their shape reuders them much easier than Btones to throw straight. Freqnently parties of expert throwers are f ornied to kill squirrels without guns, and it is reinarkable how successful they ara When a Bquirrel is sighted, the man who discovers him has the first throw, and if the squirrel is not hit it belongs to whoever gets it. About one-half of the throws bring the squin-els down. and the party will of ten return with 100 of the animáis. As the trees are high and the squirrels are general ly on the branches, the difficulty of hitting them is very great, but the ski 11 of a great many with these knots is remarkabla"


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News