Confederate Brigadiers
The men who enjoyed prominence in the military and civil service of the confederacy are rapidly passing from the arna of national politics. Below is a recoít of such as are still in active life in Washington: The senior United States senator from Alabama, John T. Morgan, was a brigadier general in the Confedérate arniy, and her other senator, James L. Pngh, was a nieinbcr of the Confedérate congress. Hou. Jostph Wheeler, who attained the rank of lieutenant general in the Confedérate service, has for 12 years been there presentative iii congrega from the Ejt'hth Alabama district. The senior senator from Georgia, John B. Gordou, w;is likewise a lieutenact general in the nnay oí' the confederacy. ThoHon. Edwtircl CWalthall of Missisippi, a major ;;oicral in tLe Confedérate service, ard of late üie Junior United State:; senator trom bis native state, while not in active politics, haying resigned for the balance of his present term in the upper house, has been elected for and is confidently cxpected to take his seat in that honorable) body in Maren, 18i)5. The senior United States senator from Missouri, Fruncis M. Cockrell, was a brigadier general in the Confedérate army, and the other senator from that comrnomvealth, George G. Vest, held positious in both houses of the Confedérate congress. The present senior United States senators from both North and South Carolina, Matt W. Ransom and M. C. Butler, were major generáis in the Confedérate service. The representatives from Tennessee in the upper house of congress are Isham G. Harris, the senior, and William B. Bate, who is the junior senator from that commonwealth. The first mentioned was a war governor of his native state, and the last named was a major general in the Confedérate army. And, lastly, Eppa Hunton, who saw service as brigadier general in the Confedérate army, at present occupies the position of junior senator from Virginia in the congress of the United States. Thus do we perceive that of the multitude of those who distinguished themselves in the military and civil aunáis of the confederacy only 12 remain in uational halls upholding in the present, as they strove to do in the past, the rights and interest of the section of which they are the honored taves. -
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News