Local Brevities
Services will be resumed at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Mrs. Jane Cmtenden, of Ypsilanti town, died last .Monday, aged 8o years. A paved gutter has been put in at the intersection of N. Fifth ave. and Beakes street. Henry Steinbach is engaged in wiring the residence of Prof. Wines for incandescent lights. A teachers' examination was held yesterday by Commissioner Cavanaugh, at the court house. The armory is being treated to a dose of war paint. Wm. Herz is the instrument of the work. The ordinance forbidding riding bicycles on the sidewalk is being daily violated on W. Huron st. The choir of Zion's church will attend on Sunday a Mission Festival to be given in the Bridgewater church. The marriage of Miss Grace McPherson, of this city, and Herbert I. Aldrich, of Saginaw, took place Tuesday, Rev. J. M. Gelston officiating. Simón Dieterle and bride, nee Miss Emily Gwinner, are receiving congratulations frorn their nuraerous friends. The Christian Endeavof Society of Bethlehem church gives a social this evening at the residence of Mrs. Herman Hutzel, W. Huron street. In order to accomodate those who are very anxious to rush in and pay their taxes, the city treasurer's excise mili is running during the noon hour. The remains of Louis Moses, of E. Washinton st., whose death of oíd age occurred Sunday evening, -were taken to Brest, Monroe Co., for interment. The trial of Caleb Kraus, who figured as "leading man" in the starlight sprinting exhibition a few evenings ago is set for August 22, instead of the i5th as previously announced by the Argus. Said Editor Brown, of the Times, ob returning from the Grand Rapids convention: "Everybody roasted Pingree. Even the Minister roasted him in his prayer, at the opening of the convention." In retaliation for causing his arrest for harboring secreted fire-arms around his person Joe Pierce, of Ypsilanti.hadwitness Thomas Gibbs, colored, arrested for kicking a hole in the peace. Gibbs was discharged. The work of cleaning the allopathic hospital is progressing finely. One hundred and thirty-five days' work has been done so far by the painters, who are to make it bright and rosy for the reception of patients. For carrying concealed weapons, Joe Pierce, of Ypsilanti, was fined $5.00 the other day, by Justice Clark. Joe should hang his revolver in sight, and evade the law. Beside, what use is the shooter if conceaied? Fire broke out in the barn on the premises of the "Long Brick" last night, but did no damage to speak of. Two men were seen running away from there shortly before and it was probably set on fire. - Times Ypsi Local. McPherran and Voorhes, of Ann Arbor, will be in the points for the Atlantis team against the Pastimes, of Detroit, next Friday. McPherran let Milan off recently with only two hits and later the Indian team with one hit and a foul that was "fair." - Times Ypsilanti Local. We understand that Wm. E. Stocking, of Lima, now temporarily residing in Ann Arbor, has consented, at the earnest request of many of his friends, to be a candidate for nomination to the office of sheriff on the republican ticket. - Courier. Good man, no doubt, but Mike Brenner will knock the socks off Stocking, in November. The Chelsea Standard is informed that H. W. Plummer, representing the interests of the street railway company, informed the council Monday evening, that work would be begun within twenty-five days and that the contract exacts the equipment within thirty days. Come over, Mr. Hoover, and see the cars run. P. S. - Bring your umbrella. Sixth warders in a certain quarter have grown superstitious. They assert the presence of a ghost, evidently of the female insect and of the perambulating variety and given to nocturnal excursions. Of course little attention should be paid to such talk. The hot weather is apt to produce illusions of various kinds. Still it is a fact that our informant "thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists.hesees theghosts-' Ypsilanti had paid all except $10,000 of her taxes, August ist. Ypsilanti colored people celebrated Emancipation day, mostly in Canada. Alice Black, colored, of Ypsilanti, died Monday evening of heraorrhage of the lungs. Fr. Kennedy and W. L. Pack are a committee to investígate the cost of grounds for the Ypsilanti athletic association. t Six organs were recently shipped by the Ann Arbor Organ company to the fierce savages of South África. "Music hath charms," etc. Detective Lombard, of Detroit, was in the city Wednesday, and with the aid of the sheriff located a stolen tiorse and buggy at Dexter. The ladies of the L. O. T. M. gave a picnic at Rhode's island for the benefit of the little folks, yesterday afternoon and a pleasant time was had. The Lyra Maennerchor are praticing for the attack on Bay City, where they will go in a special car with the Harugari Maennerchor and the Ann Arbor City band. In the case of Hintz vs. Corzack, :or the careless pointing of a hand cannon in such a manner as to presage the early dissolution of the said Hintz, the jury said that Corzuck didn't. Wm. Saunders, of Ypsilanti, who secured and floated $31 currency, owned by Bernard Lindner, on a plea of guilty of simple larceny, was recognized by Justice Childs on a sentence of 90 days in the Detroit house of correction. Jacob Bohn, formerly of Co. H. , i8(h Michigan Infantry, not having Deen heard from in several years, tiis mother, who resides in the second ward, applied for a pension, thinking him dead. He has been leard from and is alive and well at Shesta, Cal. Keene Fitzpatrick, formerly trainer of the Michigan Athletic associa:ion. has been appointed assistant nstructor in gymnastics in the Waterman gymnasium. Mr. FitzDatrick will be under Dr. Fitzgerald, )f Boston, on the indoor work, but vill have full charge of the outside ithletics. Patrolman Armbruster was trans:erred to the horth side, the affair )f Sunday night seeming to require :he massing of troops in that quar;er. Armbruster's battle iurisdic:ion was from Eldert to State and [sbell to Main. He went loaded, :oo. His hip pockets bulged up with i brace of Krupp guns. He carries a bowie knife in his belt, a dirk n his boot, a sword in his teeth and lis club in both hands; and don't ou believe for a moment that there s going to be any more bouldersmashing in that quarter ! But VIr. Armbruster has now resigned Torn the forcé, and a good officer s lost to the service. Bernard Lindner, collector for a Detroit wholesale house, having missed $31 from his anterior pants Docket, at Ypsilanti, believes that ie has cause to suspect and does suspect that one Wm. Sanders was the abstract clerk who performed the operation on him, and William was arrested. It leaked out that Sanders soon after the occurrence purchased a $10 watch to see how tnuch valuable time he would lose, measuring his daily walks by it, and ave in payment a 20 bilí. As it was against the law for Sanders to have so niuch money, he was snatched and may or may not rue his unwonted wealth. He claims to have found the bilis.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News