Fr. Goldrick was in the city, Wednesday. Tom Slater spent Thursday in Detroit. Prof. A. S. Houghton is in Adrián this week. L. D. Norris, played ball at Milan, Wednesday. , John Fischer, of First street, is visiting Detroit friends. Mr. Freer, of Lima, was a caller on the Argus, Thursday. Dr. D. M. Tyler returned this week from a visit at Leslie. Mrs. J. E. Ricketts has returned turned to her home in St. Paul. Eugene Oesterlin and wife spent Wednesday fishing at Whitmore. Inflammatory rheumatism is worrying the nervesof Hiram Kittredge. Miss Anna Bennan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Orr, at South Bend, Ind. Miss Emily Gruner, of North Main street, is visiting Chelsea friends. Frank Murray, of Detroit, is visiting Charles Meyers, N. Ashley avenue. Charles Wejls, formerly of Ann Arbor, is visiting his mother on State street. . Mrs. George Wahr and Miss Mattie Drake returned to Whitmore Lake, Thursday. Miss Schneidman and Miss Schutz of Chelsea visited Ann Arbor friends Monday evening. The Braun family, of Ann Arbor town, held a reunión at Whitmore Lake, Wednesday. Frank and Anna Condón and Mrs. Morris and family are spending the summer at Old Mission. Mrs. Daniel Waite, and children, of Dexter, were Tuesday guests at the home of Aid. Snyder. James Keech, superintendent of Tolbert's lumber yard, was in Saginaw, Tuesday on business. Rev. C. G. Stanger has received ! and accepted a cali to the pastorate of St. Lucas church, Detroit. Miss Ross, of the telephone [ change, has returned from her vacation in the north of the state. Dr. Joseph Rose and wife spent ] Wednesday at Crooked lake, guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martty. Col. C. H. Kline went to Detroit, Tuesday, to argue the case of Alber vs. the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. Herman Miller, of the Eberbach Drug and Chemical Có., is spending the week at Whitmore Lake. Sid W. Millard left today for Detroit, to join his wife in a visit to relatives, and will be absent a week. Miss Robinson, of Emery, recently the guest of Miss Melita Hutzel, left for her home, Wednesday. Miss Matie Huss left Wednesday for Monroe, on a visit to her brpther, and will visit Saginaw before her return. J. T. Stanger and family, of Chicago, arrived Wednesday, on a visit to his parents, Rev. J. Stanger and wife. Dr. and Mr. Saunders, of Grand Rapids, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Moses Seabold, parents of Mrs. Saunders. Martin Keek, of Chicago, formerly of Ann Arbor, visited old friends here, Tuesday, after an absence of four years. Miss Emma Stanger, teacher at South Bend, and Miss Lydia Stanger, of Chicago, have arrived to pass a month with their parents. John R. Bowdish, C. F. Gage and H. A. Gage and families have returned from Silver lake. Net result of the expedition - a i2-pound pickerel. Superintendent J. G. Carroll, the future superintendent of the A. A. street railway, arrived yesterday from Bangor, Me., and is stopping at the Cook house. Mrs. Frank Bigalki, Mrs. James Goodhew, Mrs. William Looker and Mrs. Ernest Kitson with their families spent a delightful afternoon yesterday at the grove. David Frederick, of Ann Arbor town, was in the city, Tuesday. He reports corn suffering greatly from want of rain. One heavy, soaking rain would, however, save it in good shape. The Misses Matilda Neumann, Minnie Bender, and Charlotte Hutzel, and Messrs. Nathaniel Stanger and Herman Gundert, ate lunch by the waves of Whitmore lake, Wednesday. John McGilvaryhas returned from the East. Capt. Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, was in the cityTuesday. Misses Kittie and Ethel Carr are visiting in Jackson. Miss Lily Loomis, of Jackson, is an Ann Arbor visitor. Ida Garlinghouse has returned trom a visit to Dixboro. C. Ray Dennen 'left Wednesday on a southern trip for pleasure. Col. Hemphill, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Wednesday evening. Mr. -and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear are visiting their old home in New York. Miss Blanche Heaton, of Jack son, is visiting Ann Arbor friends. ! Miss Maud Huntington, of Jack: son, is visiting Ann Arbor friends. i Mrs. F. J. Downer and daughter, of Detroit, visited friends in the city Tuesday. Mrs. Walker, of Fenton, late a f guest of Mrs. D. Cramer, has rej turned home. , Willard Sands and Ed. Gallagher, of Adrián, are guests of Ed. Martin, of Fourth street. Mrs. F. L. Parker and son, are away visiting the Thousand Islands and the Adriondacks. Dean and Jos. Seabolt and Dr. Saunders, of Grand Rapids, are Zukey lake campers. Mrs. H. D. Hicks and daughter, Allie, recent guests of Mrs. George Pond, have returned to Jackson. Rev. H. L. Willett, of Ann Arbor, preached in the Presbyterian church, of Petoskey, last Sunday. Wm. B. Voorheis, of the Ann Arbor Collection Agency, returned yesterday from a business trip to Tecumseh. Mr. E. J. Dodge and son, of Hamilton, O., are visiting at the home of Mr. Dodge's brother, Geo. W. Weeks, of Broadway hill. Prof. E. P. Trueblood and wife, the former of Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., are the guests of their brother, Prof. Trueblood, of E. University avenue. Simon F. Hirth, of Lodi, was in Ann Arbor, Tuesday on business. He says the dry weather is injuring the apple erop. The fruit is falling and the prospect for a good erop is disappearing. Mr. O. Gooding, of York, now aged 83 years and still active, was a welcome Argus caller, Wednesday. Mr. Gooding does not think himself yet old enough to drink tea, coffee, or alcoholic beverages, believing they exert an unfavorable influence on the growth and development of youth. Open air exercise and the Argus are his only tonics, and by them he expects to enjoy a long life, and the Argus hopes he will not be disappointed.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Susan Goodhew Looker