ew Furniture Store - CAMP BROTHERS, DEALERS IN Für!)ihire ai) il Ü poolster i ijg Fine Lino rf Furniture in New Desiiriid. New Patterns in !'c(l room Suites never Shown Her e Bef ore Special attention to Fine Upholstery, and Repairing of all kinds. 57 South Main Street. Bdward Camp. Norman Camp. eODBTSAfi'S Dng SM Toilet arricies, coiubs, brushes, manicure sets, puft" boxes, powder, harmless lotions for the complexión, lyes, tootli powder and the hiindreds oí' articles needed daily by those who believe it is a duty to make tbe iiiostol' nature's charnis. We have the most complete stook. GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.
Ann Arbor Argus
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