Latest From Clipperton
The men who up frena Clipperton island on the Volant will Lo paid off tbis morning aiad iliscbarged, and ; whether auy of thein will return to the guano covered rock has not jet been decidert. One of the men who went down ! on the Viking aiid remr.ined on the 1 land for severa] months told some remark:ible stories of the treasure rook yesterday, Ee corroborated the tale of the ! gry örabs and said that the liouses which had been put up had to be covered with tin to prevent the crustaceans from eating through the wood. It was so hot that the skin peeled off the men 's backs through their light undershirts. There were any amount of eggs to be had, j which were laid by birds resembling wild geese. The erabs would seize these i eggs as fust as they were laid and make ' off with them. "The harbor, " said the Clipperton Robinson Crusoe, "is not a good one, j and the winter is full of sharks. When the wind blows offshore, it is impossible for a vessel's mooringsto hold her. The Viking went away with about 50 tons short of what she ought to have taken, but that was the fault of the captain. He got scared and put to sea. The weather was so bad when the Volant was there that there was no use of staying, and she gave up trying to get a load. The sharks are very vicious and seem to be without fear, as they are in great mirnbers. When a boat is being rowed ashore, the iuau eaters jump out of th water and snap at a man. "While the Volant was lyingat Clipperton the straugest kind of a fish I evej saw carne up astern of her. In shape i4 was something like a stingray, witb. long, ugly lookiiig tail. It spread big wings that must have been at least 24 feet wide from tip to tip. The superintendent said it was a rayfish, and öthers called it a sunfish. It stuck its heacf up, then spread out its wings and skimmed along over the water. "The island is nothing more than a big rock, houeycombed with the strangest kinds of shapes. At sunset some parts of it seemed a blazing mass of gold. If there is any truth in the stories about treasure being bidden there, we couldn't prove it, but you can bet we searched high and low for the pirates' booty. ' '■
Ann Arbor Argus
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