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Lost His Red Button

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In a telegram from Peking publisbed by ïiie Chinese Mail it is said that an imperial edict has been issued announcing the degradation of Tsui Kwo Yui, the former Chinese minister to the United States, Spain and Peru, from the post of "tso shu tsze" - senior deputy supervisor of iustruction - to that of "chung wan" - undersecretary of the Hanlin college - as well as the deprivation of the red button of second rank, with which he had been honored by the eniperor on the occasion of his being accredited to the eourts of the United States, Spain and Peru. The issue of this edict has been the result of Yui's incompetency in the discharge of the duties of "tso shu tsze" as well as of his failure in passing the recent special examination for promotion among the members of the Hanlin college. This special examinatiou was instituted at the instance of the board of censors with a view to classifying the rnembers of the Hanlin college and to investígate their special conduct and also for the purpose of recomrnending promotion. Consequently the persons examined have after due examination been divided into three classes. Those of the flrst two classes have either received their promotion or appropriate imperial rewards of silk pieces, but Tsui Kwo Yui, who stands first in the third class, has lost his red button and has suffered the above mentioned degradation in his official rank.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News