A Tariff On Matrimony
A yoniig lady who goes to Concordia, Kan. , to teach school will find a very exactiug rule, which was recently adopted by the board of education. It seems that several lady teachers have married iu the inidst of the term when it was impossible to fill their places This the Concordia school board proposes to regĂșlate, and it did so recently by the adoption of the following resolutions: Inasrauch as it seeins to be the custom of lady teachers of the public schools of Concordia, Kan., to contract marriage without the knowledge or consent of said board, therefore be it Resolved, By said board of education that should any of the lady teachers of the Concordia schools hereafter commit matrimony during the term for which they have been elected they shall forfeit a sum of inoney equal to one-half month's salary, provided they take a home man, and a sum equal to one month's salary in case the groom is imported from some other county or state; in either case the lady shall cause a card of invitation to be sent to each of I the members of the board of education.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News