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Printing Speeches

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There is one industry which is not in the least affected by the hard times. This is The Record divisiĆ³n of the government printing office, which has charge of printing congressional speeches for distribution. There has never been a congress when the presses were worked so incessantly for this purpose. Already over 5,000,000 speeches have been sent out over the country under congressional franks, and the nnmber is piling up daily until by the close of the session it is expected that it will far exceed any record which has hitherto been made. Tom Johnson alone gave an order for 1,000, 000 copies of his speech on the income tax in the tariff bill. He leads the record. But in the number of speeches ordered by other congressmen Burrows heads the list. Over 200, 000 copies of his tariff speech have been issued, and he has taken very few himself. Most of them have been sent to western farming constituencies by Republican representatives. Reed's speech at the close of the tariff debate is not printed by the government printing office, but by one of the private concerns in Washington, and this has just about equaled that of Burrows. There is a great demand for Wilson's speech on the Democratie side, and tens of thousands of copies of the speech of Crisp have also been sent out. In the senate 20,000 copies of Senator Lodge's speech have gone out, many senators franking them to the college students in their states. Sen;4or Morrill's speech is also in great demand, and the first speech delivered by Senator Hoar has gained a wide circulation. The efforts of Voorhees and Mills, which opened and closed respectively the general debate in the senate, have been circulated almost as widely by Republicans as by crats. -


Ann Arbor Argus
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