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Playing In The Garret

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"There is one delight, " said a man who was reared in a small town, "that I suppose rnany childreu born in great cities liever know, and that is the delight of playing in the garret. Many city children, to be sure, have relatives in the country or in smaller cities or towns whom they have visited.who live in houses with garrets, and these know something of the delights of the garret, but there nmst be many city children who never even heard the name. "For myself, I rernember well a garret to which I used to climb in rainy weather np a steep and narrow flight of stairs. It was warm and rather stuffy in the garret, but the rain made music on the shingled roof, and the garret itself was full of treasures. There was room, to begin with, space to move about in, though you needed to look out a little for the timber in the sloping roof. There was a swing from two of the beams, and we used to swing and swing in that and never get tired of it. There was a chimney up through this garret, a great, big, friendly chimney, and we used to play tag around that chimney until we couhln't run any more. - There was a great lot of old magazines, and these were an unfailing 8ource of delight.' There were old books in queer type, and with strange looking pictures. There were queer old hair covered trunks, with round tops, studded with brass headed nails. In these trunks and around in the garret were curious, old fashioned men's clothes, and the most extraordinary gowns and capes and hats of women - not fancy costumes, but the real things, such as they actually wore many years ago, and looking stranger than anything you could hire at a costumer's. We used to dress up sometimes in these old, old things and parade around in the garret and have great times generally, and so forgot ourselves in the delights of the garret that the very world itself looked strange when we carne down stairs and back to it. "What is there in the big city that j


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News