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His First Attempt

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I am passing through a novel and : avedingly interesting, even if not highly agreeable, experieiice just now, ' ' said a youug newspaper man at one of the down town offices thismorning. "I am going through the tribulatious of the housekecping side of marital life, j though I have never yet led a bride to the chancel rail. Yesterday all my folks , went away to the seashore, leaving only myself, the youngest of the faruily, and ! my sister, who is next older than me, to assume the cares of' the household. Neither of ns has had any experience in j tifia line, and the resulta bid fair to be amnsing, if nothing more, especially in the matter of preparing for breakfast, as both of na are late sleepers. This morning the first break occurred, and thus it happened. The sorvant is due at abotit 6 o'clock in the morning, and as I am a sound sleeper I instructed her to ring the bell vigorously and not to go away if she was not very promptly admitted, and I also told my sister, if she heard the bell, to awaken me, and I would let the girl in. Last night I was up till 2 o'clock writing, and consequently four hours later was in the soundest of my slumbers when the icemaa came and left a cube of hia wares on the 9tep8. Jost afterward the servant came and appliedfor admission. At flrst her vigorous rings on the loud gong, which is only one flight of stairs away from my room, produced no impression on my morning slumbere, but she followed my instructions and continued conscientiously to make that bell startle the whole neighborhood except myself and sister, whose alarm clock also did not have the slightest effect of driving away unconsciousness. ' 'At last I was partially aroused so that the ringing of the bell caused me to dream of fire engines, and in a few seconds all the horrors of a destructive fire passed through my reviving brain, and I saw myself running and shouting, and the engine steaming, and the firemen pursuing their heroic work of rescue. Then - I suppose her arm was tired - the faithful servant pulled slow, steady Btrokes, and instantly my dream ohanged, and I found myself on a railway station goiug to join the family at the seaside. Suddenly these visions were dispelled, and the stern reality of the occasion was forced upon my unwilling mind as I reluctantly jumped up and removed the bars that hindered the servant's entrance. She was quite cheerful over the affair and said she had not been kept waiting for more than 15 minutes. Truly, the way of the head


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News