Estote of Enoch D. Davis. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COrNTY , C3 of Washtenaw. s. Ar a p.ura ..-■!.■ ÍV.-.n - t Cuurt for tneOouuiy ui tt'ashtunaw, lioliieu ;it th I Probate Utüce in the oitj i' lm Arh: nn Monnay. the IWfntyr'hlri dav m Julv, I ' Itit yearone t!iO"3;i:i J eii,'!it and : ;ti ■' v -fo:.r. ' Presenr. J. Willuni Ra'-'ii:!., .Tndge o' Hro bate. In the matter ol The erttiif.1 of E:.och D. Daris, deceased. On readiii and flüutr th tn-tition .duif vprifld, 01' Suean R Davis. prayin rhat a certaiu instrument n"w on filft in tbU cmrt, purporting to be the laat will and testament ol saiddeceaaed tuay be admitteil to probHt and r hut adniinistratiou with the wül aunex'd of saiu catate uiay be granted to hereelf, there beinif uo exeeutor in ] snid will nained. or to uome other suitabie ! perron. Thereupon ir iaordered. thtit Monday, the 20th rfay of Auguet next, at teu o'o'ock in the forenoon. beassigued tor thehearinffof aiid petition, an4 that the devisees. leñatees and heirs at law of s.iid deoeaaed and all other persons i uterested ín naid es i tate, are requirtd to nppear at a sesaion ot' m 1 1 1 OOurt, theu to ie boldeu at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. and síiow cause, If un y rhere be why the prayer of the p-Jtitioner ahould not be üvanted. And it is furtlier ordered that aaid petltioner give notice to the persons I rested iu said eutatp, ot the penden-y ot said I petition and the hearing caminjf , copyofthia order to be publislied in the Ans Arbor Akqcs, a newspaper priuted and circuiatfdinsaid county three succêssive week." pregona tosaidday ot' liearins. J. WILLAKD BABB1TT, íAtrue copyj Judseot Probe Wm. ü Potv Probate Keinter Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTV OF O Wasbtenaw- ss. In the matter of the estáte of Harriet Wriuht. deoeased. Notiee is hereby given, tliat in pursuance of an order sranted to the muiiT-iined, Jerome A. Freemau, administrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw," on the lOth day of July, A. D. 1894, there will be sold at puolic vendue. to the hijjhest bidder, at the North front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County ol' Waahtenaw, in said state, ou Thursday the tnirteenth day September A. D. 1894, at 10 o'clock in the foreaooD of ihat day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgase or otherwise ex sttng atthe time of the death of said deeeasedi the folluwini; described real estáte, to-wit: Beginninjr at a point nine chaina aud eventeen (17) links east of the ijnarter staka between sections twenty one hhü twenty-elght in township tw.i (2) south -ix Sieast; thence eas! along the line three 13) chaina and forty-two 'A links: tbenoe so'th at ribt amifr ( ur 4' chaiQ8 and flfty (50) l nks t ' the nurtb bouudary line of the rU'ht of wayoï the Uiobigan Central EatlroadCompany; thence westeriy the north line uf said railroid thre (o) ctaalns atid sixty-four links, them-e north thrH.' (3l cfiaios and tweuty-elglit (28) liuks to the place of begiuniuü:, containiua oue and one-half acres more or less, all being In said city of Ann Arbor. AUo one acre off the west end of the follwiti decribed land on section twent.v-eitrht 128) in said filty, bounded on the east by the Huron river, on tlie eouth by tlie Michigan Central Ratlroad's right of way, on the north by the river road, and on thé west by land deeded by Edwin Lawrence and wife to i.'hauucey G. Oroutt by deed datefl Maich lst, lv:. aud recorded in 4 of deeds on pa?e 35 in the Repcister's office of said County. AU aM !an" bein? in the City of Ann Arbor, ii: sa'd rcii'iitr of VVashrenaw. Di e i iuly 18th. 1894 JEKOME A. PREEMAN. AdminUtrator. LAWKBNCB & Bl'TTERFIELD, Attorneys for Admiuistrator. Estáte of Watson Geer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COTINTY ol Washtenaw, ss. At a sesión of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtecmw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Monday, tbe sixteenth day of July ia the year one thonsand eight hundred aud ninett four. Preaent, J. Willard Babbitt.Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Watson Geer, deceased. Mary Geer, the adiuiniatrutor of said estáte, comes iuto court and representa that she is dow prepared to render ber fiual account aa suob administra'or. Thereupou it 13 ordered that Tuesday, the 21at day of August next, at ten o'cloelc ín the forenoon, be aasigned for exaiointng and allowing such account, nnd that the heirs at law of bald deceased, and all other persons interested in aaid state arerequired tuappearataseaeionof said eourt.then to be holden at ihe Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ia said county, and show eaust', ïf any there be, why the said account öh nu.! aot be Hllowed: And it is further ordered, tuut said administrator give njtice to the pt-raniá intcreHted in said estáte of the nendency of aaid accouat, and toe hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi8 order to be publiahed in the Ann Arbor Akíuh, a newapuper pnnted andcirculating in said county, three successive week previuus to said dav oí hearing. J WILLARD BABBITT, ( true copy. ) Judge of Probate . WtLIiIAJI Ü Doty, Probate Keiriaier. Estáte of Lillie and Archie Neat. CTATEÜF MICHIGAN, (JOÜNTY ui' Washteuaw, ss Ataaesaion ut' the Probate urt l'orthe Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probute Office iq the city of Aun Arbor, on Huuday, the 23d day of Jaiy, ia th yeur One thousaiid eiglit hundréd and ninety-lour. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate Io the mattr of the estáte ot Lillie Neat an'i Arcbie Neat, minois, Onreadiug aud fliiuar the petitton, duly verified, of Geon?; Neat, guardián, praying that he may ue licensed to mortgaïe certain teal estáte belonging to said miuors Thereupon it is ordered, that Ttiesday, the 28th day of August next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, be assigned tor the hearing of said petition, and tbat the next of kin of said minors and all other persona intereíted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be bolden at the Probate office, in the City of ADn Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionershoulduot begranted. Anditis further crdered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, aod trie ueating thereof, by causing & copy of this Order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successivc weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. J. WILLAriD BABBITT, [ A true oopy ] J udge of Probate, Wm. ö. Dott. Probate Register. To Contractors and Builders. ... THE BUILDING COMMITTEEof the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Couuty offer for sale, at a reasouable price, all the broken and unbroken stones ia the county stone yard on the corner of Ashley and West Ann streeis. The sreater part of the stone is broken, and especially suited for routing purposes. There are trom fourto six cords of broken stone, and two to thwe of unbroken. Wilt besold by the load, or otherwise, as desired. Apply'to the undersigned. local memtier of tut' committee, at the Abous otfice. ROBERT SHANNOr1. Ann Arbor, April 2U.1894. tf Kipaus Tabules prolong iife. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News