S.-ilfc. Defttolt bsvfnir Vpu mniiMn thr condltlon i ii n ituhi mortjfMge mu. it. liv Wlllium Otto, ( the Townshlp óf NortliHoid, County of 8snteiaw and State of Michigan, to iïcraard üoyleof said township, oounty and state, and latea the seeond duyof November A.D. oae 'houmind eiglit hnndred and mnrtv-two, aad ecorded in tiie office of the Ketriti'Vof Deed.s, 'r the Ui-untyof Waah'enaw and State of tlU'lnitan, on the seeond day of November . D. one thousand eighi liundred and ninetywo, in Líber eUhty of Mortgaïes, on pae nn humired and seventy-two on whtcb nortsaire there is elaimed to be d':e at the late of this notioe the sum of thrte huudred md thirly dollars and lifty-flve cents, andan ittorneyr8feeof twenty dollars provided for n said mortage, and no suit or proceedinu it law havin been instltuted to recover the noneys secured by said niortg-aze or any part ;here f. Now, herefnre, by virtue of the power of ale contained in said mortgage, aud the itatute ii gucli case made and provided, lotice is hereby sriven that on Tuesday the linth day of October, A. D. one thouaand ñ'iht hundrei and ninety-four. at nine i'olook 1n tlie forenoon, I ahall sell at public in' tion, to the hinrhest bidder, al tln south Ironi door of the Court House, in the City of tnn Arbor. (that being tbe place where the ïircult oourt fnr Washtenaw County in the pretnises describe) in said morteatre, or eo mucli thereof as muy be neoeggary to ]ay the araount clue on said niortgaït-, wiih s p r cour. interest, and all legal coste, together wlfh nn attorney'a fee of tventy i'onvenated for therein. the premiees be-ñu derlbed in nald moitg-aire as those cerlain pieces and parcela of land sitúate in the Township oí Northfield. iu the County of Washtenaw and State of Mielitean.snd known and deacrlbed aa follows: ('ommenoingnortb, forty-two degrees and flfteen minutes west, fourteen rods and twenty-one links from a stake seven links in front of the north-east " (iorner of the whitmore Lake Hotel oceupied, in one thouaand eitrht hundred and sixty, by J. F Avery; thence north forty-two degrees audflftei'n minutes west, four rods: thence south, forty-seven dejrrees and forty-five minutes west, eizbt rods; thence sout i. forty-two dezrees and flfteen minutes eaat, four roda; thence north, torty-seven deerees and fortyflve minutes east, ei'jht rods to thi place of beglnning. Alao a piece of land described as follows: Oommenelnir at the northehst corner of the land above described, thence runninir southeasterly on the southwest side of the hishway four rods: thence north-easterlv at right augles with the above described boundary linetwenty rods; thence north-westerly parallel with said first boundary line four roda thence twenty rods tn the place nf beiritining. RRRNARD ('OYLE. THCH D. KEARNEY, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortzagee. hstate of John M. Morgan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wiiï-lvenaw, a. At a seation of the Probate Court for the cuunty of Waahiennw, holden hT the probate ottice in the cit oí Anu Arbor, oo WedofS lay, the 20th day of June in th yearoae thousund eiht hudr"l atui ninety-four Pree-t, J. Wi'lard Biibbit-t Ju-1ge of Probate. Id the mntter of the estáte of John M. Morgan decensfd. On readini aod filiti the petition. duly verifled, ofChalei L. Monran, prayini? that a curtnin iii8 rnment uuw on file in this Court. purportmg to be ihe Iasr wïll nn-i testument of saiJ decaned may be admitted to probate nnd that nd ministra - tion of said efltate may be araoted to himseli' tbe executor in saiil wtll namyi or to soque other sultablfl persou. Thereupou it ia ordered. that Tn $, h Utb day of Ausrut nxt. At ten o'elock In tï to . ■ tn De saiKiieti for the heariujr of suid ]ïjr.;;' n iad that the devíseea, U-íf'itees aii't hii j ftï .mr of said deci-'ased, vdí! all ot-her peraous luceteatod ia saïclestat are requiröd to appear at a suwioa of said court. then to be holden ar the iJrobate Office ín the cltf af Anu Arbr. aod show cause, if anv there be why tbe pr-.yer of the petitioner Bhnul'l not He gruüfü. And it is furtber ordered that aaid petitiouer give notice to the persona intft'-ested in said estaie, e thependency of aaid petition and the hearing; thercof, by cauains? a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Akus, a new spaper priotwl and eiraulated in said county three eucces-ive week'7 previoue to said dav uf hearinx. J WlI.LAlin BABIÏITT, I A crue cd py. i , Judaw of Probate. William 'i ,oty. Probate KefliftËr. VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD „ VÍCTOR FLYER $125.00. Hyou are sroius to ride why not rirle t,he best. Victors are besll Cali and see them and you wlU be convinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPOR1UM. 11 W. Washington Bt, Ann Arbor N. B- We have a larïe Uae of secuad-haud wheels which we are sellias very cheap. kikseï k mm BAKERY, &ROCEBY AND FLOUR AND FEEO STORE, We keep coastantiy on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply ot GOLD DUST FLOUR. I. M. Swift & Oo.'a Beat White Wfceat Flo-ar, Bye Floor, Buckwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, led, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Refciü. A general stock ot fiffiOOESISS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hüati, which wül be sold on as reosonable terr.i: u at iny nthcr house in the city. tCash paid for Butter, E;;srs, and Country Produce fienerallv. "Goods Deliverc i to anv nart nt the city with out extri charee. Rinsejr & Seabolt.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News