Japan Declares War
Loxdon, Aug. 2 - Tlie Excbange Tele-, graph company declares that war betweeu China and Japan has beep formally declared. The Jnpnnes6 ministry has itiformed the Earl of Kimberly, secretary of state for foreign affairs, that a state of war exista between Japan and China. The Earl of Kimberly, upon receivlng from the envoy of the Tokio gpvernment ths official notiflcation that Japau had formnlly declarad war againsc üniua declared tlmt Great Britain remaiued neutral in the matter, altbough the British govemment would inimediately take tepa to safeguard British interests ia the far east. So far as the sinking of the transport Kow Shing flying the British flsg is concerned, the envoy was informed that Great Britain awaits the statement of the English captain of that steamer before makiug any reply to the apology offered by Japan. Court of Inquiry Opened. Mr. Hugh Mathieson of Hugh Mathieson & Co., and Jardine, Mathieson & Co., London and Shanghai, from wliom the Chinese transport Kow Shung, sunk by a Japauese cruiser, was chartered, received a di-patch from Tien Tsin, dated Aug. 1, Baying that Colonel von Haunekin. formsrly aid-de camp of Li Hung Chang, the vicerpy of China, who was on board the ti' :i port when s.ie foundered, was saved. Tuo dispatch ad(U that a court of inquiry hiis been opened at Tien Tsin in order tha i 11 the facts in connectiou with the Binkina of tbe Kow Shung may be known. Toe dispatch lso says that it is reported at Tien Tsin .nat war between China and Japan has been fonnally declared.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News