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Rich Renominated

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Grand Rapids, Midi., Au? 2.- The Kepublican state conveutiou was ihoioughly l harmonious. Half the ticket was nanied by acclnmation, and but a single ballot waa sufficient for the others. The Pingree element was there, but made no hostile demonstrations other than to cast blank ballots oq governor and tomaintaïu silence throughout the proceedings, not once taking part in the debate or speechmaking. Foüowing is the f uil ticket nomiaated: For governor, John T. Rich: Heutenant governor, Alfred Milnes; secretary of state, Kev. Washington Gardner; treasurer, James M. Wilkiuson; auditor general, Stanley W. Turner; attorney general, Fred A. Maynarü; land comraissioner, Williiim A. French; superintendent public instructiou, H. M. Pattengill; meinber board of educación, Perry F. Powers. The platform afflrms faith in the doctrine of prorection; approves the administration of Governor Rich; advocates reciprocity; favors lawa for the settlemeut of labor disputes, and checks on immlgration; says sutfrage should be limited to those who are full citizens, and declares in favor of the use of gold and silver at a parity as money.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News