Iowa Democrats
DKS M0INE8, Aug. a.- Tüe Jjemocratic tute convención assembled at Calvary tabernacle, bout 4(U delégate being in attendancö. J. M. Paisons waa chosen temporary chairinau, and delivered a stirí-iiiK addresa. The conveutioa at the afternoon session was delayed by a number of unexpected contests in district deleijations, mainly over the election of district chairmen. In the Second district the coutest resulted in the election or C. F. Ranck of Iowa City, and ia the Eleventh in the election of F. ü. Higgs of Storm Lake. These were the most spinted coutests. Upou reconvening ex-Governor Horace Boies, cbairoaad of the couvention, addressed tbe delegates and reviewed at great lengtli the tariff issue.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News