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It Don't Mind Such A Little Thing

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The Saline Observer says of Fred Paul, who tumbled head first into jaws of a thrashing machine: "The teeth of the cylinder caught and tore off the entire upper part of the back of the head, splitting the skull otherwise quite badly; fortunately his fall was observed, and as he struck was caught and saved from being completely mangled and cut to pieces. Dr. Nichols was sent for and did what he could to save the patiƫnt and relieve him of his pain and suffering; the task was, however, a difficult one, as much of ftesh and bone could not be fouud, which make the closing of the opening impossible by quite a space. The accident was considered at the time very serious and his recovery entirely hopeless. He was, however, conscious, and sat up and conversed while the doctor was patching up the opening. As we go to press we are informed that he is doing nicely and his recovery seems more hopeful. "


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News