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Comment On Minister Sill

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The Chicago Herald of Thursday last, contained the following editorial comment on our townsjman, Hon. J. M. B. Sill, United States Minister to Corea: The minister of the United States at the capital of the Corean kingdom is John M. B. Sill, of Michigan, appöinted by President Cleveland. Mr. Sill was identified for almost his entire life with educational interests ia Michigan. For a number of years he was principal of the Normal school of the state, and after serving successfully for a long term as superintendent of schools at Detroit he retumed to Ypsilanti and resumed his old position at the Normal school. He conducted for a time also a seminary for young women in Detroit. Prior to his appointment to his present post Mr. Sill had no experience in public life. He is a man of broad education, large natural sagacity, polished and engaging manners, and an amiability made brilliant by wit. His lack of experience will be largely compensated for by a native judgment ripe in years and tempered by habitual prudence of speech an action. While his appoinment was primarily due to a desire to compliment the educational interests of his state and to give himself an opportunity to indulge learned tastes, he was known well to the leaders of the democratie party in his state, by whom he was unanimously commended for appointment in the foreign civil service. Mr. Sill may ñnd a difficult and complicated situation on his hands. It is safe to assume that he will discharge his duty with courage, delicacy and tact.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News