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Popular sentiment seldom asserts itself ...

Popular sentiment seldom asserts itself ... image
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Popular sentiment seldom asserts itself with the torce that it has employed since President Cleveland rebuked and checked the base betrayal of trust attempted by conspirators in the United States senate. - Free Press. The period of greatest danger to the tariff bill is probably past. The self-seekingtrust senators have heard from the people whose confidence they had betrayed, and the people insist, with the president, that pledges shall be fulfilled. If Senator Gorman and his assistant republican associates had been as loyal to party pledges and the interest of the people as they have been to the sugar trust and the coal and iron combinas, the country would now have almost an ideal tarifï reform act. The advantages of having a congressman in close touch with the national administration have been repeatedly illustrated in this district during the past two years. Congressman Gorman has been a consistent supporter of the president throughout and true to democratie profession and pledges. He has been faithful to the trust imposed in him and his faithfulness has redounded to the advantage of his constituents. His record will compare favorably with that of any of his predecessors. He merits a renomination. Latest reports from the state election in Alabama, yesterday, indícate that the democrats have not only elected their state ticket and a majority of the legislature, thereby insuring the return of Senator Morgan to the senate, but that they have done this by an increased majority over 1892. This is the more remarkable because of the fact that all the opposition of all shades of political belief was united and had been assisted by Senator Hoar and the republican campaign committee, with all the republican money they found it necessary to use. The democratie candidate for governor is a strong advocate of the income tax. He declares that he believes in it because the wealth of the nation should pay its share of taxation. His position upon this question is in marked contrast to that of the great majority of the men of wealth. But recognizing the fact that men are protected by government in their belongings as well as in person, and that they should pay for its support in proportion to the amount of protection received, he allows no consideration of personal interest to influence his position on the great question of equitable and just taxation. Such adherence to principie indicates that he is broadminded, patriotic and honest in his relations to public questions and public duties and that as a public official he will not be controlled by considerations of private interests. The whole record of his public life supports this view, and should he Jae elected governor this falJ, he will administer the office solely in the inerest of the people. He will, as he says, "wearthe collar of no man or Corporation." It certainly must have required a great amount of "gall" on the part of the late g. o. p. state convention to assert as is done in the platform, that an appeal is taken to the people with "unbounded confidence." What has the party done to warrant this claim to the "unbounded confidence of the people ? It has foisted upon the people a precious set of machine politicians, rascáis, salary grabbers and incompetents. Three prominent members of the present administration were removed from office for gross neglect of official duty and indicted upon charges as grave as those which sent Boss McKane, of Gravesend to a felon's cel!. Then the last legislature was extravagant beyond compare. It raised the salary of the supreme justices from 5,000 to $7,000, as well as a large number of other officials throughout the state without any demand from the people therefor. As a result of its extravagance in various directions taxation was largely increased, as any citizem may ascertain by comparing his tax rece'pts of the present year with those of the preceding year. Through the weakness or cowardice of the governor not one of the bad acts of the legislature received the executive disapproval. With such a record behind it the g. ". p. appeals to the people with "unbounded confidence." What effrontery! During the recent republican state convention, while a delégate was expatiating on the heinousness of a bolt against the Rich machine, some wicked individuals with long memories shouted in stentorian tones, Weeks! Weeks! This had reference to the bolt in the seventh district congressional convention about ten years ago, led by one John T. Rich, the man who now heads the machine ticket, to bolt whom it is pronounced a sin of such magnitude as to permit of forgiveness neither in this world nor the world to come. In the before mentioned convention, Edgar Weeks received the nomination for congress through the practice of the same machine methods which Rich used to secure his nomination last week. Week's nomination was bolted, however, by Rich, Geer, Moore and other of like ilk, and the dictionary was searched in vain for meaner epithets than those hurled at the Week's crowd and their methods. In the election which followed the rock ribbed republican seventh was carried by the democrats and has continued in that column to the present time. Although a decade has since past and various efforts have been made to bury the hatchet and smoke the pipe of peace, the smouldering embers of the old fight always burst into flame before each election and the district retains its democratie representation. Rich's loyalty to the late lamented James M. Turner is also said to have been of precisely the same brand, and yet those who now make faces over "taking their medicine" are denounced for being weak in the faith and lacking in the tents of the faith. Verily there is a difference between tweedie dee and tweedie dum.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News