REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Tas ïïrsl Eaiin&l Buk tf Aaa rïsr At Ann Arnor, in the State oí Michigan, at the close of business, July 18, I'.f4. RESOURCES. U ansanddiecoiiiits SK10.Ü53 S4 nveidratts 2,434 74 U. S. Bonds to secure circiilation 2S,Oi0 00 Other stock, bonds and mortjcages 11,500 Ou Due f rom approved reserve agents... '45,59 0 Bills in transit 66 00 Due f rom State Banks and Bankere... 8,141 30 Real estáte, furnimre and .. 28,543 90 Checks and other cash items S7 14 Bills of other National Banks 4,350 00 Fractional currency (including nickels 282 SI Specie (including gold Treasury notes 13,099 60 Legal-tender notes 3,265 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (ö per cent, oí circulation). .. 1,125 00 Premiums paid 3,500 00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fund 20.000 00 Other undivided proflts 36.675 20 National Bank notes outstanding 22,500 00 Dividends unpaid 644 00 Individual deposits subject to check. 177,038 00 Demand certificares of deposit 94,443 15 Due to other National Banks 1,386 ü7 Due to State Banks and Bankere 5,000 00 Total $ State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, f81, S. W. C'lark6on, eashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swi-ar that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashiar. Subseribed and sworn to before me tliis 23d day of July, 1894. DENSMORE CRAMER, Notary Public (Correct attest). PHILIP BACH, 1 MOSES SEABOLT, V Directora. WM. McCREERY, ) EEP0ET OF THE 00NDITI0N OF THE mwiï Si mm m - AT- Afi ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of business, July 12, 1893. BESOURCES. Loans and discounts $267.0232 Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.etc. .... 87,715 07 Overdrafu 3,539 7& Dne from banks in reserve cit.ies 17,362 84 Due from other banks and bunkers, 2,069 50 Due from Washtenaw Co 1,315 14 Furniture and flxtures 2,000 00 Current expenses and laxes paid 25 60 Interest paid 387 38 Checks and cash items 3,640 27 Ñickels and pennies 21948 3old ooin 10,35000 Silvtr coin 1,983 20 U.S. an National Back NottS 13,568 00 Total $411,099 52 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ .M),000 00 Sniplusfund 20,000 M ündivided proflts 5,766 08 Dividends unpaid 18550 Individual deposits 99,979 te Oortificates of depoait 152,948 5 3avings deposita 82,20033 Total $411,099 52 STATE OF N.ICHIGAN, j Couniy of Vashtenaw, jt'bj I, Frfderick H. Bclser, Cflshier of the above oamtl brjnk.'io frulemnly swear that the above statemöD is true tu the bfBt of my knowleclge' nd belief. F. H. BbIjSEb, (Jashier, Cork kot- Attest . Ambküse Kkarney. ) W. F. Rkeakey, VDirectors. EllWAhD DlIKFY, I Subt-cribed and sworn to before methis 19th day of July, 1898. H. A. Williams, Notary Public. ARE YOU POSTED _ ON THC mm Standard digtionart PUBLISHCD BV FUNK & WAGNALLS CO., NEW YORK. jggSggjaiT COST S NEARLY &ÍEffF MILLION f DOLLARS. aSE'"ï Jr Crandest -íi_ Jk Literary "" t&., - Achievement g W of the Age. It 18 made on New Plana by tho best Talent. lts Editora number 247. In preparatlon 4 years. Has a -wonderful Vooabulary of nearly 300,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. More than Twlce the Words found In any other 1 Vol. Dictionary, and about 75,000 more words than Any Other Dictionary of the Language. Particulars sent f ree to any address. Address. PRICE $12 tO $22 tAoiS. THE FULLER BOOK CO., &aa1ou, Or apply to our Loca! Agent. FOR FINE SOAPS And rich and Perfumes we are able to offer for your inspection an exceptionally larse a,nd elegant, stock. Soaps made from common fats or rosin are not fit for toilet purposes- be sure and by a iirf soap at our druK store. Our perfumes we nuanintee the beet. MANN BKOS., Druggists, 39 S. Main St. - ANN ARBOR
Ann Arbor Argus
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