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Save The Babies

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intant mortality is sometmng frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent., or more than onethird, before they are five, and onehalf before they are fifteen. We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a majority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. All the drops, tinctures and syrups sold for children's complaints are composed principally of opium or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation, and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly the re verse. It causes the blood to circuĂ­ate properly, opens the pores of the skin and allays fevers. Then the child sleeps. He gets well. This is the way Castoria acts. "Castoria is the best medicine for) children. I recommend it. Dr. V. H. Hubbard. Perth Amboy, N. J." "I use Castoria in my practice. It should be given at the commencement of all children's ailments, and will cure them immediately, or render their course more mild. Lima, Ohio."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News