Michigan (Tentral "The Ktagara Faut Route." TIMETABLB (Bevteed) JÜLT let, 1894. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. 3. i Sa : i Sg gTs 5 : : : 8 ïïSi$ :a :-ga?,s 0-8' ' 88 q ' --o 1.XX99 j I - ;? ; ; .i-itL 32 B'B 'TÍS 1 m 1 a TT ; : ce ► L 9 : : : E sp,;'' 6S wa; :;:& w gg i : ;S8 i4 ?: s :3S : : :SS , m= i ; :Ls ti, eg i - : :N 5 ss ; i ;s ; ;si s a j j j ;s u -'-' : : :x : i" as ;:"':; tS" ■5.SS!;' 5 S 'a I S S ' '■ ■ S J SS.:1: : & eo I os a ; ; : ; c, , sL ; ; [Síi swa U 88 :SS ■ ■ S8 Iti - ■ ' t ' ' ' . a a II IS "I 3 sassss.ags jl aasassssssa i i i i !d i i p IS-lsf I! ''i lijliii ififUiiil O.W. EÜOÖLES H. W. HAYES, Q.P. T. Aïft Chloago. Ag't Ann or. TRUCK i STQRAGE C. E. O0DPREY. Residence an.i Office, 4S Fourth Ave., North Te Itphone 8a. W. S. MOORE, TTT"'?MllTITCLfl1 Work done 'ï "" MJKmí" JL JLaul X ■ f'irin of modern iltrtii-tiy. Crown und lirijRC work tt specialty SaUsfaction Giuranteed. (U, of M. Gradúate.) 57 South Main Steel AM A, MICK. WA ai"ï!"S"P4 8 or 10 men to sollclt . ff iU SS orders tor HerdyMurep ' 1} Cif ciy Sl.nck, Fruit and ' Ornamentals; also new nd u.iblo ■. i H-i.r. of Seed Potatoes. Permn"' "f j t'nnni nood salary, raagiDK froTO;:. !■■ -i-' n-rmonth. Apply qulok,wtth leferi"' L.L.MAY&CO, ■"'"""■'■ St. Paul, Minn. d i w, Washington st. liOübE, Siob OmnEimL asd Fresco Paihter, gjiuui);, iKiuiniin'.i . iH.inK and paper aaug .np. U wort IÍ l"nf in the best styie ai;d warrtiin."i in iivc satiafaotion.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News