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Like Father, Like Son. BirOKI TBIATMIHT. "let, I haT jast read the "Golden Monitor," I editad by Dn. Kennedy & Kergan, and knowing I their hin rejwjtation I hall coneult them a th I laat rewrt."- Firftm. Young or Middle Aged Man - You hare led a jay Ufe or indolgedin the vicesof early youtn. fou feel the symptoms stealing over yon. Ml ibute, or later exctnes have broken down your system. Mentally, phyticaUy and sexually you ire not the man yon used to be or shonld be. Lustful practices reap rioh harvests. Thmk of the fntnre. Will you heed the danger signáis! Ar yon nervons and weak; despondent and eloomy; specks bef ore eyes; back weak and cidneye irritable; palpitation of heart ; dreaniB and loeses at night; sediment in nrine; weakened manhood; pimples on face; eyeB sunken and cheeks hollow; poor memory; careworn expreseion; Varicocele; tired in momme; lifelees; diBtrustfnl; lack energy, strengt h and ambition. Our New Method Treatment wiU positively cure yon. lt will make a man of yon and Ufe will open anew. We guárante, lo cure you, or rtfund all mmty puid. WNo names used without written consent. $1,000 paid lo r any case we take and cannot cure ! SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE! A Warning From the Living. Emissions Cured. "At 15 I learned ate! habit. Had losses for seven years. Tried fonr doctore and nerve tomes by the score, without benefit. I became a nervons wreek. A friend who had been cnred by Drs. Kennedy 4 Kergan of a Bimilar disease, adised me to trv them. I did sq, and in two monthB was psitively cnred. This was eight yeart ago. I am now married and have two healthy children." C. W. LBWIH. Saginaw. Mich. Varicocele Cured. "Varicocele, the reenlt of early vice, made Ufe miserable. I wan weak and nervous, eyes Bunken, fcashfnl in society, hair thin, dreams and losses at night, no ambition The "Golden Monitor" opened my ejes The New Method Treatment of Dre. enned, 4 Kergan egjdjgy- -" eaae was in my syötera for eigbt yeart. # Had taken mercory for two years, bui the diseaae returned. Eyes red, pimplee aDd blotche on the skin, ulcers in the mouth and on tongue, bone pains, falling oot oí hair, weakness, etc My brother, who liad been cured of Glee) and Stricture by Dr3. Kennedy and Kergan, recommended them . They cared me in a few weeks and 1 thank God I consultad them. No return of the diaease in eix years." W. P. M., Jackson, Mict. A Minister Speaks. The Rev. W. E. Sparks, of Detroit, eays : "I know of no disease so ïnjnrious to the mind, body and soul of young men ae that of Self Abuse. I have sent many I victims of this lnstfnl habit to Drs. Kennedy I k Kergan for treatment. I can heartily en■ doree their New Mcthod Treatment which cured I when all elee failed." A Doctor Recommends It. "I know nothing ■ in medical science so efficiënt for the cure of I Syphilis and Sexual Distases as the New Melhod I ti eatment of Drs. Kennedy A Kergan. Many I cases whicli had lftieti scores of phyBicians I were cured in a few weeks. I have seen this I witb my own eyes and taojrtt tta afaot. Reader- Have yon been guilty? Has your I Blood been diseased? Are yon weak? Do ou I def're to be a mant Are you contemplatine I mi.rriage? Our New Method Treatment will I poí-itlvely enre you. Cures Guaranteed or No I Pa! Consultation Free! . No matter who bas treated you, wnte for au M honest opinión free of charge. Charges reasW. onablp. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men. Enclose I postage, Z ceuts. öealed. ?-No names used without wrllten consent. I Private. No medicine sent C. 0. p. No names II on boxes or envelopet. Everything confidenI tial Question list for home treatment and I cost ol treatment, Free. I DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN. .4 3H YLE T, I):TRO1 1'. MIlH. 1
Ann Arbor Argus
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