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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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Varicocele, Emissions, Ncrvnur. Dcbiüty, L;-. d Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphüis, Unnaturai Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseascs Posttlvtly Cureü by tig New mi TreamiiiB wanaerfuï Discaveiy tïYou can Deposit the Money In Your Bank or with Your Pustmaster to be paid us alter you are OUKuD under a writtcn üuarantee! Self Abutet Exrestes and Blood Distases have wrecked the I i veH of thousands of young mea and middle nced men. The farm, the workshop, the Hunla school, t'np otlice, the pro'eaHone - all have it victima, You g vtan, if you have beeu Mitliscreet, U".v:ire or the future. Middle aard men, you are growing prematurely weak aad o UI. b th r-exnully and phyBically. Consolt os before too late. NO ÑAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTtN IUNSENT. Conlideniial. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPH1LIS CU2ED. W. H. COLLI NS. W. S. Colllns, of Saglnaw, Speaks. W, S. COLL1NS. t"I am 29. At 15 Ilearned a bad habit whinh I jde-a. lied tili 19. I then becarne "one of the boys" ind led 8 5U5V gay life. Exposure prodnced Syphi. 1 beoftine y -l ons and despondent; noambition; niemnry poor; eyeö v my red, snnken and blur; pimples on face; huir looBe, bone py !L pains; weak back; varicocele; drearoe and losses ut ÏLJk }, night; weak parts; depofiit in urine. ptc. 1 spcnt ƒ dreds of dollars without help, and w;is contení plat in? V Bnicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & jr yi Kergan'e New Method Treatment. ïhnnk üod 1 -B(H)jftY tried it. In two months I was cured. ïliia wae nix vmlrcrr' s year6 aso, and never had a return. Was married two ' (t ff ' f l, %. years ago and all happy. Hoye, trj Drs. Kennedy i ■ II ►- ' f r bkfoue tukatm't gan before giving up hope." aftkk tbeatm't 8. a. tontón. Seminal Weaknesa, Impotency end 6. v t.-ton. t. Varicocele Cured. JSaèjv ƒ' Hüf "When I consnlted Drs. Kennedy A Kercan, I had ƒ 'W ÍS) v3 little hope. I wae Burprised. Their new ÍS S n ('T 4J) ment improved me the first weok. Eminions ceaeetl, I )C J'J __ fáWlf nerves becamestrong, imin disappoarwl, huir grew iu ., ƒ N' 'Zy{ again, eyes became br;f;ht. clieerful in nomptttfcy and - Í Jtfcr LK strong nexually. Havinfr tried many Quarks, I enn JïrJlik T vE 7 heartily recommend Drs. Knnnwly i. Kerija as reliabl( F '■" , SpeL-ialiBta. They treatinl me honombly a-)d Hkiilfully." V7t BKroKE TEKA Bi A. Í1K I'HJlATM T. T. P. j:mt?t?s:n. A Nervous Wreek- A Happv Life. T. p. i M"'!SON. tT. P. Emerson Mas a rrow Escape. yfafc "I live on the farm. At Bcliool 1 learn d an farly E TTl nabit, which weakenetl me phAicóJÏ . sexirilly ahíl i Pij1 mentally. Family Doctni bu,d 1 wiis ..iiiv inr . M "ïs - Vk, "decline" (Consuroiitioni 1'iiuOl. ' ' Iw (oKtau f( T " ]( Monitor," pdixed by l)r. Kenn il) V Keiwm fi,-II inï L4 Yj tamyhandB. .1 .learucxl the Tmh.a&Ú uwm. Hel f S2 hbuse had Bapped niy vitalHy. 1 took the NrK t, Meilmd 'Ireiilmt-nt nuil waA i:uiu. iMj fii.n . bink I 'V , y' JS ! wae cured of ('onBumption. I hve sent tliein miiny 5 rfét "patients, all of wli)in ; ruroil. Tlipir N.'w 'CTltTj)3pV t Method Treatment supplies vÍKOr, viuility and man'i ' n% j ■" A BKFOEK TKtATM'T. hood." . ' AFTEB TBKATÍIENE. DCAnPR I Areymi a victimf Iluve von Jost hope? Are yon contemplatin marFlLnULfl i riiuie? Has yoaSBii'od boen üli .e(t? fluve ron weakness? Our New Method Trentmentwill cure you. hut it bits ilone tof ; tb '. will do for you. OTJJHtlDe GrUAR A.HV 33-.XJ i ■ . i UOPAT 16 Years in Detroit. 160,000 Curtd Mo Risk. Consultation F ree. No matter who ban treated yon. mife for an boneet opinión Free of charge, rhargee reasonable. Books Frte - " I h Golden Monitor" (illustratedl on DiseaBe of men. lucióse postage, 2 cenU. Soalt-d. grNO NAMtiS USËD WITHOUT WRI ITLN CONSENT. PRÍVATE. No medicine sent C. O. D. No ñames on boxes or envelopet. EverythlnB conrldentlai. Questton hst and cost of Treatment, FREE. No.l48SHELBYST. I DETROIT, MICH.


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