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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. Í7HJH SALE- ive acres on West Hurón Street. Good bouce, barn, orchard. Beauitul location. Will sel) on easv terms. Apply o or address B. D. Davis, West Hurón Street, inn Artior, Michigan. 7tf FOR SALE AND TO RENT.- Several good farms, larming lands and city property mproved and uriimproved, on very easy ;erms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann irbor. FOR SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St. in acrer or uve acre lots or all togerher. Long lime, srnall payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 43 Moffat Building, Detroit. Mich . August 4tli, '!4, niortirage. on Wiü or Washington to Fourth to Huron. Any otie flnding píease send to Ann Belding, 19 Wall st., City. LOST- oh Monday aftcrnoon July 16th, 1SM. one pocket ledger account book on a street in Ann Arbor orón tlu: south Ypsilanti road to H. Platt's. then south to Milán, the flnder will please send to me at Chelsea, Mlch , and receive reward. H. Lighthai.i,. PIANO TÜNING.- A. I). Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will bein ihecity soon. Orders left at the Argcs office will reeeive his attention. T O KENT.- At No. 20 S. State Rt. A ttat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. S:ate St. 28tf TO RENT.- iurnished house heated witb furnace, in good order. Apply to NoanG . Butts. Koom 18. Masonic Block. W ANTEO.- Small farm near Ann Arbor. Must be cheap. G ve pviee and description. Will be i n city soon. Address Box 134, Grayling, Mich.. WANTED. -Good tenant for very nice store on Liberty et. near State. Terms reusonable. Alsofiatsto rent, very tlesirable. Enquire 18 South State st. VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD.,-r VÍCTOR FI,YER Ï125.00. If you are noing to ride wliy not ride the best, Vktoiv are test.' Cali and see them and you wjll be convinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPOR1UM. 11 W WaBhingtou St , Ann Arbor N. B.-We have a large line of second-hand wheels which we are selling very cheap. O. K1TREDGE, No. 6 West k Street. UnRIJMAfllMUIlDE, In the rear of Edward Duffy'e grooery store. Hack to all trains, day and Orders for traine, parties, weddinge and funerals promptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich. DB. 1. M. FISHEK, VETEEIURY 5URGE0N AND DEHT15T Gradúate o( Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases of Domesticated Animáis Sclentlfically treated. Calis promptly attended to day or night. Office, KobinKOn'8 Livery, S. Fourth Ave., Ana Arbor Miei.. Special Sale! The ladies attention is wanted during the sale starting June 2d until June 3Oth. 1 will sell trimmed hats and bonnets, valued iroin $ i .00 to L7 50, from 50c up to $5.00. All Untrimmed Hats from 10c to$I.oo. Leghorn Hats from 50c up to $2. 00. the very best quabty. Come early and select the best. Respecifuliy, Mrs. A. M. OTTO, Cor. 'Washington and 4th AveLOUIS ROHDE, CoaiandWood Lehigh Valley Coal, $6.50 per ton. Beech and Maple Blocks, $2.50 a cord. Beech and Maple, 4 feet, $5.50 a cord Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. MWantMoney? oraHomei Wan. Work? or a Farm? Want to open a store in a town? Want _ __ to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improved farms in a VA II wel' 6ettled reerion without payinK cash? Particulars and publi1 W cations sent iree by F. I. WHIT■ Nty, St. Paul, Minn.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News