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Indiana Democrats

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Indianapolis, Aug. 16.- The largest convention iu the hiatory of the I cratic party ia Indiana convened in ' linson hall. There were 1,747 accredited ; (lelegates 8eated oq the maiu fl-or. j though the weather was intensely warm the ereat hall was fllled with spectators, ' who ffinued themselves into a state oL comparativo comfort. The hall was ' orately decorated with bunting and American flaas. The oaly picture3 to be i een were those of Goveruor Claude i thews of Indiana, President Cleveland and the late Thomas Hendricks. The State i band, located in the rear gallery, played ' on the slightess provocation and kept the audience in an enthusiastic mood until i the conveution got down to business. Chairman Taggart of the state central j committee called the convention to order j and introduced Governor Matthews, the i permanent chairman, wuo was received with loud cheers. Th Kesolutions Adoptcd. At the conclusión of Goveruor Matthews' speech the platform was read and ' adopted. After eudorsiug the record of the Democratie party in Indiana it : tiuues: " We affirm our opposition to the ' vicious system of class legislation ; alled protectiou, and pledge ourselvea o continue the battlc against ! ; until every specie of exfortion and i ery fnstertd by the McKinley act shall ! e ol)literate( trom our rvenue system ' nd people enjoy all the blessings of commercial liberty. We denounce tariff : ection of every kind as u fraud and j )t-ry of the great American people forthe -nefit of the few. We maiutaiu that. no drift taxes should be levied except for j )urposes of reveuue ouly, and that such ' ,axes should be limited to the necessities f the government, honestly and ecoumically administered." Senntors Condeiuned. The platform approves the ndministraion of President Cleveland and condemns he course of the Republican party, and specially condemniug "a small coterie of enators who, masqueradiug as Demorats, by threats to defeat all tariff legisatiou have temporarily preveuted the Jemocratic party trom carrying out all of ts pleriges to the people for tarifï reform s annoiinced in the Democratie platform f 189&" It proceeils to congratúlate con"■re-is that a substantial measure of reform ïas beeu effected and approves the action f the house of representativos in followng the euactment of this law with the tsage of separate acts placing sngHr, ron ore and barbed wire on the free list. t ewpecially indorses the income tax as a w and tquitable measure, also the law it.'.-ed antuorizing the tnxation of greeniack, and declares in favor of a coustituioi :il amendment providing for the eleciou of Unitert States senators by direct vote of the people. littter Coiitlition for AVage Kamers. The platform strongly declares iu favor of every lawiul effort to secure for those viio earn their livelihood by tlieir daily ola better condition, and condemns the elïorts that have lieen made to identily , leir cause with the infamous couspiracies of lawlessness aud auarchy which hreatans the very foundaiious of order and civilizitiou. It declares MeKmleysm to be the cause of the financial HtfSSlOLi; UIVU13 illlMLI ill [UU UCween employés and employers; oposes suuiptuary laws; renffirins belief liat both gold and zilver slionld be used as h money standard, aud both should be coined without disorimination aud without charge for miutage. Hails with deight the sigas of a restoratioh of the jimetallic system. Indorses the administratioQ of Cleveland, especia Uy his course in mnintaining law and order. Indorses the adininistration of Governor Matthews and doses with a demand that cougress deal generously and even bouutifully in the matter oL pension to soldier. The Ticket Nmiuli'il. The plank referriug to "coterie of United States senators masquerading as Deraoorats" caused a pandemonium and cries of "name them," and the names of Brice, Gorman and Sniith were cried out in derisive tones all over the hall. The auti-A. P. A. plank also called for loud cbeers. The following ticket was nomiuated: For jud e of supreme court, First district, GriOige F. Reinhard of Spencer county; judge of supreme court, Fourth district, Joseph S. Dailey of Wells county; secretary of state, William R. Meyers, renominated; auditor of state, Joseph T. Fanning of Marión county; treasurer of state, Morgan Cuaodler of Hancock county; attorney general, Francia M. Griffith of Switzerland county; clerk of supreme court, C. A. Wellmau of Sulüvan county; superintendent public iustructiou, Charles Thomas.


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