Inquire For "the Lone Inn."
The "Lon'e Inn" is not the Cook House, nor the American, nor any other hotel or inn in Ann Arbor, for they are all full of guests who are growing fat and "slick" and the innkeepers wealthy. "The Lone Inn" is the title to an intensely interesting serial story which will have its beginning in next Friday's issue of the Argus. It is a tale of thrilling adventures, love and tragedy, in which are portrayed by the descriptive pen of the author the worth, worthiness and worthlessness of human faith, ambition and hope. "The Lone Inn" is just such a story as causes people to sit up nights and increase their gas bilis, like a young couple in first love, and will have a run like hay fever. Like the hay fever also, it is not curable but must have its run to the end of the last chapter. Those who are subscribers or may subscribe for the Argus in time for the story will be given rooms and board at "The Lone Inn" f ree of other charge. Now is the time to subscribe.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News