Fire And Alarms
Aoout nuanigtit, baturday night, the house of Ed. Kent in the Fifth ward was partly consumed by fire. The building was unoccupied. The flaraes had secured a firm hold before they were discovered and had made rauch headway before the fire department could arrive. Short work was made of the job, however, when the lads got there. The property was damaged to the value of Í500. Insured for Í800. The fire is thought to have been of incendiary oriin. There were two alarms yesterday. The first sent the extinguishers to the campus. Only a burning chimney doing business at 33 University avenue. No inconvenience resulted except to the chimney swallows. Later in the day another alarm speeded the department at a breakneck gait, down Huron street to the foundry, - the two dogs as usual about three rods ahead of the foremost team. Sparks had burned a hole in the roof, but the fire was made to quit without the help of the firemen. By the way, the fire department is in great need of a new bath tub.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News