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Flaying A Coward

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The following interesting reading is found in the Shelbyville, Ind., Daily Democrat, and refers to a former citizen and popular hotel proprietor of Ann Arbor. The extract taken from the Republican which virtually proposes a boycott of Mr. Stone because of his politics is stingingly rebuked by the Democrat: "When the proprietor of a hotel makes his politics known to his party it should be known to everybody. The proprietor of the Ray House, Mr. Stone, is a democrat, and we want all our people in Shelbyville to knowit." - Yesterday's Republican. "The above is pure, unadulterated, knavish snobbery. The editor virtually asks republicans to boycott Mr. Stone because he happens to be a democrat. He says he wants "all our" people to know it. Why? Is it a crime to be a democrat? Must republicans patronize only republicar.s, and democrats only democrats? If this is the doctrine said editor desires to promúlgate, it is time for our people (democrats), who are engaged in business, to know it. No business man should patronize a man who entertains such narrow minded opinions. But a photograph ot the editor would belie him if it failed in delineating just such a narrow pated, bigoted puritanism. Politics should have nothing to do with a man's business integrity, and anyone who permits politics to interfere in his business or commercial intercourse with men is unworthy of citizenship and should be eiven a dose of tar and teathers and drummed out of the country. Mr. Stone is a fïrst-class gentleman and worth) citizen. He attends strictly to his own affairs and does not attempt to mix politics with his business, and yet he is not ashamed of his politics, nor does he propose to disfranchise himself simply because he runs a hotel. The Republican editor, who assumes to be the Debs of this occasion, will find that his boycott is a dismal failure."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News