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Request For An Early Convention

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To the Democratie ConsresMonal Committee of the Second Goagressional District- Greetiner: We, Democrats of Washtenaw County, respectfully request the Democratie Congressional Coramittee to issue a cali for an early Democratie Congressional Convention. We are determined to win the contest, and are eager to enter the campaign without delay: E. B. Norris. L. J. Liesemer. C. D. Ryan. W. W. Wadhams. D. A. MacLachlan. Robert Phillips. F. II. Belser. William H. Mclntyre. Thomas D. Kearney. Arthur Brown. James Kearns. Williani G. Doty. Ambrose Kearney. John L. Dufïy. E. B. Pond William Herz. S. M. Clarkson. Charles F. Gruuer. Frederick Schmid Moses Seabolt. Andrew Muehlig. David Rinsey. John Kapp. Thomas F. Leonard. W. D. Harriman. T. A. Bogle. M. J. Cavanaugh. Caspar Rinsey. M. J. Lehmau. Michael J. Fritz. E. C. Sprinj?. James J. üuarry. Sid. W. Millard. E. G. Mann. A. T. Hughes. William Walsh. W. H. Clancy. James Welch. Martin Clark. Joseph Donnelly. M. J. Martin. W. J. Miller. Densmore Cramer. C. W. Vogel. J. W. Maynard. Charles Dwyer. John BaumgardHer. B. M. Thompson. Jas. R. Bach. Fred. Sipley. Noah G. Butts. Walter 0. Mack. John Wahr. Christ. Brenner. George F. Lutz. Zachary Roatli. Jacob Luick. James Muruan. Aun Arbor. Micli., August 17. 1894.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News