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Trinity Corner Stone Laid

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At tliree o'clock Sunday uccurred the interesting ceremony attendant on laying corner stone of Trintiy Lutheran church, at the corner of S. Fifth and E. William sts. The following distinguished gentlemen were present with the pastor, Rev. W. L. Tedrow: Rev. M. L. Stnith, of White Pigeon, secretary of the synod of northern Indiana, Rev. C. J. Kiefer, of Three Rivers, Rev. G. M. Dieffenderfer, of Gettysberg, Revs. J. M. Gelston and John Neumann of this city. The afternoon was as beautiful as ever sumroer sabbath day was seen,anda large congregation assembled to witness and particípate in the pleasing and impressive services, which were opened with an anthem by the choir, Alvin VVilsey, leader. Prayer was offered by Rev. W. L. Tedrow, which was followed by a recital of the first part of the service by Rev. John Neuraann. A scriptural reading by Rev. J. M. Gelston followed, and prayer was offered by Rev. C. J. Kiefer, succeeded by choir singing. President of the synod, Rev. S. P. Fryberger was absent and an excellent address was delïvered by Rev. M. L. Smith, based on Psalms 1:2: "OutofZion, the perfection of beauty, God shines." At the close of the scholarly address, Rev. W. L. Tedrow brought forward the tin box containing records for the corner stone, which, with proper ceremony was placed in the hollow of the stone. lts contents were announced as follows: The Holy Bible, Book of Worship, Catechism, Augsburg Confession, formula of government, the two orders of service, history of the congregation, sketches of the Ladies' Aid Society, the Y. P. S. C. E., and the Sunday school, list of church members, the Lutheran Observer, Lutheran Evangelist, Lutheran World, Kirchenfreund, Dr. Ort's Discourse on the Lutheran Church, Aug's Teacher, minutes of the Synod, the Washtenaw Evening Times, Ann Arbor Courier, Ann Arbor Argus, the Register and a few small coins. Rev. C. J. Keifer read the balance of the service, and Rev. Mr. Tedrow dedicated the stone in the name of God. The beautiful ceremonies closed with singing the Doxology, the congregation joining.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News