Spouse Of A Sioux Princess
The queen of the Sionx is the wife of a white man. Neither of them is or has any reason to be ashamed of it. Bed Cloud, without question the greatest Indiau chief of this generation, gave her away at the altar on the Sionx reservation. The Sionx queen 'shusband is Charles P. Jordán, brother of Lieutensnt Colonel Jordán, United States army, a cousin of General Custer and one of the most tried representativos of the government in the Indian country. He bears the honor of being the only white man who was ever elected a member of the Siou council. In their days of power, befora hardly a single white face had been seen west of the Missouri river, the Daketas 'Sioux; were one nation, rulal by one chief. The last of this autocratie dynasty was Old Smoke, who dieel in 1S59 af ter seeing his people pushed westward and his power curtailed. Although thehusband of more than one squaWi he left but oue child, a tiny ;irl, who could hardly coo when Old Smoke got ready to float upward to the lappy hunting grounds. When dying, ie took her in his arnis and named her The Beautiíul Woman, and so she has since been kiiown. The Beautiful Woman was a princess. She did no work, Dut learned of missionaries, scorned dog meat and kept her nails trimmed and ier glorious black hair plaited and combed. She grew to womanhood, high ipirited, proud and capricious - an ideal squaw. But as no ideal chief came to woo her she scorned an alliance with any common member of the tribe. Young Jordán, a tall, bright eyed fellow of good education and address, came west as clerk to the Indian agent at Pine Ridge. He feil in love with the princess, and his love was reciprocated by the Sioux maideu. And so they were married by a priest in stole and surplice and with all the f ormalities of the white man 's laws and customs. The big Sionx chiefs came from miles around to attend the wedding, the arniy officers from the neighboring posts jingled their spurs in the Old Virginia reel, which followed the benediction, and the pretty Sioux queen has since been plain Airs. Jordán. A bevy of black eyed children bless the alliauce. Charles P. Jordán, the Sioux queen's husband, has lived on the frontier for many years. He is still in his prime, and his adventures would fill a book - or several of them. He has been scalped, shot full of arrows, has been tortured and even condemned to death by the hostiles. Thirty miles from Rosebud agency he has a fine farm and stock ranch, well wooded vrith oak, elm, ash and box eider. There is a big orchard of cultivated frnits close by and a series of artificial dams down the valley, in which beaver are encouraged to construct their own peculiar fortifications.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News