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Miss Bertha Muehlig is visiting in Lansing. Miss Abbie Barney is visiting in Kalamazoo. Miss Anna Thompson is visiting in Kalamazoo. Rev. C. M. Cobern has arrived from Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jolly are visiting at Deerfield. Miss Addie Clay, of Jackson, is visiting in the city. Louis G. Weinmann has returned :rom Grand Rapids. Mrs. Geo. E. Bliss returned Saturday from Jackson. Mrs. Wm. Wenger is visiting in Salem, for a few days. John Heinzmann and family left yesterday for Bay City. F. S. Gage and family are passing a few days at Bay View. Samuel Krause has returned from an extended business trip. Miss Julia Cotant, of Milwaukee, is visiting Ann Arbor friends. Jacob Miller, of Saginaw, is visting his sister, David Rinsey. Miss M. Tower, of State street, visited Howell friends last week. Rev. Max Hein has removed two doors east from his late residence. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wheeler, of Salem, O., are visiting in the city. Miss Anna Riley, of State street, is spending the week at Oak Grove. Mrs. R. S. Grummond returned Saturday from her visit to Frankfort. Miss Eunice Heinzmann leaves today for Orchard Lake and Detroit. P. Meyer and T. Dodsley have opened up a news stand on State street. Mrs. J. A. Weissinger has returnned from a three weeks' visit in Howell. Mrs. M. W. Campion is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Barrat, of Jackson. Guy Davidson, a Tecumseh knight of the wheel, was in the city Monday. Dr. Herdman was last week called to Knoxville, Tenn., on professional business. Mr. Barney, the marble man, has removed from Washington street to S. Thayer. Rev. C. D. Kelly left, Monday, for Duluth and St. Paul, by boat, via Detroit. John Wisner receives the contract of moving St. Mary's church at Manchester. W. F. Stimson and family re turned last Friday from Hastings and Gun lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Peterson and G. K. Kelly are visiting relations in Hamilton, Ont. Porter Lathrop, of Detroit, was in the city last week, beaming on old acquaintances. Rev. Keifer, of Three Rivers, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. Misses Laura Armbruster and Winnie DePue, have finished their outing at Zukey lake. E. A. Gartee was called tolthaca, Monday, by the illness of his wife, who was visiting there. Mrs. James Humphrey, of Adrián, is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. C. S. Elmer, of No. 18 N. Fifth ave. Miss Minnie Drake, of E. Huron st., returned yesterday from a three weeks' outing at VVhitmore lake. Mrs. Egbert Beardsley and Miss Mabe' Hazzard, of Detroit, are guests of Mrs. E. A. Keith, of Thayer street. Miss Lizzie Keene, of Jackson, is passing a few days with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard, of. Geddes avenue. Nathan G.' Kieth, of Detroit, was a guest of his b.other, E. A. Keith, and his sister, Mrs. Eugene E. Beal, of this city. Caspar Rinsey and family have returned from Oak Grove club house, and Martin Seabolt succeeds them in possession. Mr. George Wahr arrived home from his foreign tour last Saturday, browned, hearty and greatly I fitted by the journey. George VV. Johnson and John R. Bowdish left yesterday for Hackley Park to be in attendance at the Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T. Miss Louise Payne, of Manchester, who has been spending the past week with Mrs. Harry Kitson, of Geddes avenue, has returned home. Dr. A. K. Hale left the city j day for his "lodge in the 1 ness," among the Adirondacks, where he will fish and dodge the hay fever for a few weeks. Dr. Fischer was last Tuesday called to Camp Rich, to minister to the illness of some of the cavalry horses, jaded with hard raiding in the heart of the - oat bin. Capt. Walter Hicks, Lieut. Juttner and Chas. Juttner, of Menominee, came over from Island Lake, Saturday, to obtain a sniff of the intellectual air of Ann Arbor. J. C. Goodrich left for Boston, last Saturday, he being one of a committee to make arrangements for the K. T. triennial conclave to be held next year at the "Bean Center." Robert M. Wetzél, of Calumet, U. P., hospital steward of 'the Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian VVetzel, of 3S W. Liberty street. Chas. F. Dietas leaves Thursday morning to attend the triennial conclave of the Knights of Pythias at Washington, D. C, from where he willcontinue his trip toPhiladelphia, New York and the East, making about a three weeks' tour.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News