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Tbc Railroad AaoJ jTbe Clergynjan, Tb Business Aan,f E and all other men wbo have to H I look neat while at work, should know about "Celluloid" Col I LA.RS and Cuffs. They look ex I actly like linen, wear well and E being waterproof do not wilt s down with heat and moisture. = They do not soil easily and can = be cleaned in a moment by sim ply wiping off with a wet sponge = I or cloth. Do not confuse these in = your inind with composition i goods. Every piece of the genu ine is stamped like tbis : Ask for these and refuse anything i else if you wish satisfaction. ] ê n'cmber that goods so marked : : f:e the only waterproof goods s i made by coating a linen collar I with waterproof "Celluloid, "thus I giving strength and durability. If your dealer should not have i the "Celluloid" send amount di! reet to us and we will mail you : sample post-paid. Collars 25c. i each. Cuffs, 50c. pair. State size 5 I and whether stand-up or I down collar is wanted. THE CELLULOIDCOMPANY.I = 427-29 Broidway, New York. 2 Bfn""l11t 1 1 1 1 III IIIIMHHIIIII linilllll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II mn 2 piRE INSURANCE. CHRiSTIAN MACK, ''-i lu' br ollüwiüg ) ïiai t'lneë üouthok'fi 1 resectlng over twpntT-siebi Uillion rtallin Ami. inucs poltèie %t th )(♦►: rïfieti ütnH of üartford $9,192.ii44.iX' 'r"rfji;klin of I'hila 8,118.713,i íermáni-iof N. Y ,70,729.iki Sonnan-Americanof N.r. 4,06.S.W:' (h Liyndon Assurance. Loud'u 1 ,418,78.s.(n ÜichiKan F. & M., Detroit 88T,fiÓ8.(0 N'. Y. Uuderwriters, N. Y. 2,fiWí,&t-.IM ítional, Jlártford !,774ro.r).(i. Pliéuik, N.Y ,75i,{i f ■, -■ .: ..I .i,i).,u .-.rt u ;, loiiruncv o fJllUlir. scboüd. tftut IJK' n. ) ;.iiM, 1fMiriri


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