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Mis. II. W. Robinson went to Aun Arbor and Toledo, Monday. Mis. Nora Popkin's sister froin Partella, is visiting her this week. Chariie Naylor was elected delégate from the K. O. T M. lodge to go to Lansing, to Grand Lodge. The Good Templáis have two new members. Mr. J. Berry and Mr. J. Masón. Everybody come and join the lodge. Thelargest kilu thathas ever been burned at Hutzel's brick yard was tired up Monday last week. "ít is expected tliere are some good brick in it. Mr. Hutzel surprised the people Wednesday eve by bringing all uis family out to Emery for two or three weeks. It is hoped they will like it out in our little city. As they are in the busy part it is thouerut they will. We see bilis are issued by the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry that they will run a cheap excursión to Toledo, Thursday, Aug. 23d. The f are is only une dollar to Toledo and return to Emery. Special train leaves Emery at 8:08 a. m. and returns from Toledo at 9 p. m. The dance at the new hall went off splendid, all eujoying themselves very much. A good mauy youug people from Anu Arbor and Whittnore Lake were present. There were about 56 couples present. Tne proceeds of the evening amounted to $20. The hall is a nice one and when n'nished will be splendid.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News