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OFFICIAL I OOVJNCIL CHAMBER, j AïK AKluli, MiCb., AUg. 20, 1S9-M Regular session. Called to order by President Wines Boíl called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Bodmer, Brown, Kit son, and Prettyman.- 4. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works towbom was re ferred the petition of the property owners on Washtenaw Ave. relative to sidewalk grade at Mr. Coou's property, adopted the followinL : "ttesolvêd. That this Board does not recommend achange of sidewalk grade in front of Mr. Coou's residence on Washtenaw Ave., as referred to us by your honorable body, for the following reasons: The grade was acted on by the Sidewalk Committee of a fornier Council, with the City Engineer and tbe inembers of this Board, inspected tbe grade before t was approved by them. The Board also recominenüs to the Corarnon Council an amendment to the sidewalk ordinnnce, Ihat tbe stdewalks along the east side of soutb State street betvveen Monroe and Hill built of plank instead ol stone, and plank lald erosswise on account of the steep grade in this locality. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Received and filed. FROM THE SAME. To the Board of Public Works : Gentlemen:- I would respeetfulty ask the privilege to temporarily lay the stone walk in front of ray residence on Washtenaw Avenue until not later than April, 1895 next. as I desire to lower the trees that will be injured if the walk is brought to grade now. If 1 ain permitted todo this I hereby accept tbe grade as now established and will in 1895 iay the walk on such grade. EMMETT COÜN. August 15, 1894. To the Common Council: Gentlemen :- Tbe Board of Public Woiks have duly considered the prayer of tbe petitioner and respectlullylasks approval uf the same by your honorable body. Bv Order of the Board of Public Woiks, W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Received and filed. FROM THE SAME. To the Coramon Council: Gentlemen:- The Board of Public Works respectfnlly report that they have caused to be made a prottleof the proposed sidewalk grade on and along the eat side of soutb State streel, from Monroe to Hill street for your consideration and approval, the Board of Public Works caused to be prepared and herewith subinit the proper resolution estabI isbing said gritde. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Accepted, and leave heing granted, the following resolution whs offered : By Aid. Mamly : Whkreas, in the opinión of the Conncil the grade of the sidewalk on tbe east side of S. SUte street ought to be changed and fixed and established to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore. Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of S. State st. from the soutti line of Monroe street to north line of Hill street be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall beas follows, Ihat is te say: At the s. e. cor. of Monroe and S. State street ■■ 870.00 At 170 ieet south of the s, e. cor. of Monroe and S. State Rtreet 867.00 At 200 feet south of the s. e. cor. of Honroe and S, State street 8M uu At the n. e. cor. of Hill and S. State st..S48 67 the elevation given beiDg above the oflicial city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to eonsist of straight lines between the several pointsor stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manley, Taylor. President Wines - 9. Nays - None. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. A petition signed by J. B. Carey and eight other residente and property owners of the Fifth ward, asking the council to order the six inch water mains extended from the intersection of Pontiac and Jones street, easterly on Jones street to Traver street; thence northerly on Traver street seven hundred feet and placing a fire hydrant thereon. Referred to the committee on water. A petition signed by Thomas F. Leonard and eight other residents and property owners on north Fourth Avenue, asking the council to order stone sidewalk in front of the property where such stone or cement walks are not built, between Annjand Cntherine streets. Referred to the committee on sidewalks. A petition signed by F. M. Hamilton and four other property owners on south State street, between William and Liberty street, along the west side, petitioning the council to take the necessary action to have the present grade of gutter so changed as to carry the water in the natural direction. Referred to the committee on street. The Ann Arbor Street Raihvay Co., presented the following: An ordinancetoameud Section 7ofan ordinance entitled ''Au ordinance relative to Street Railways," adopted August 13, 1888, aud as amended September (, 1889. and approved September 11, 1889. The Common Couucil of the city of Ann Arbor ordains: .Sec. 1. That Sec. 7 of an ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance Relative to Street Railways" adopted August 18, 1888, and as amended September 6, 1889, and approved September 11, 1889. be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 7. The cars used on said railway shall be drawn by animal or electricity only and at a speed not exeeeding tbe rato of eight miles per hour. and shall be run as often as the city couucil shall prescribe provided that cars sball not be required to run oftener than fifteen minutes between the liours of 6 a. m. and 8 p. m., daily, or oftener than ever thirty minutes between the liour of 8 p. m. and 12 p. m., daily. If electricity be used as a motive power, said company is authorized to erect and maintain all the necessary polea, arme and wires required for tbe full eléctrica! equlpïnent for the propulsión of thetr cars. Where practicable the poles of existing companies shall be used. Poles shall be either round or octagonal in shape as inay be determined upon by said street Railway Company, and bepainted to correspond in color witli Mie ioliage of the shade trees. All wires and overhead work shall be suspended not leus than eighteen feet above tbe track. All material and work shall be of the best, and subject to the approval of the Board of Public Works. If propulsión by means of storage battery shall be generally adopted as electrical motive power for street car purposes in other cities the same shall be adooted by this company and the use of poles and wires dlspensed with. The cars in use on said railway süaü be run for do otber purpose than to transport passé ngers and tneir baggage and tbe cars and carriages lor that purpose, shall be of the best style in use on such railways and properly heated in cold weather by a modern boating apparatus, provided that other cars may be used lor eleaning and re pairiugsaid railway. After sunset all ears while running shall be provided wilh suttable signal lignts in both froni and rear cars. Sec. 2. Thls ordinance shall take effect in ten days after legal publlcation. Passed in Ooramou Councii August 20, 1894. On motion of Aid. Ferguson, Supt. Carroll, of the Ann Arbor Street Railway Co., was Leard relative to the amendment asked for. Aid. Kitson reported present. Aid. Martin moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be given its first reading by its title. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. AVagner, Martin, Almendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wiues.- 10. Nay - None. First reading by title of Au ordinance to amend Section 7 of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Street Raihvays," adopted August 1:5, 1888, and as amended September (5, 1889, and approved September 11, 1889. FROM THE AXX ARBOR WATER COMPAKY. Ann Arbor, Aug. -.'0, 1891. To the Common Council : (Jentlemeu.- The Ann Arhor Water Co. would respectfully cali the atlention of your Honorable body to the promiscous use ol üre bydrants for various purposes by persons in tlie employ of the city. The use of water by the city for sprinkling public parks, flushing sewers, etc is a necessity, and we have no desire exceptto facilítate thls in every way. But the preservatlon of tliese liydrants in condition lobe of immediale and efTective use in case of fire is a greater necersity, aod s a duty imperative if our fire protectioo is to be malntalued properly. This we feel Ihat we cannot do wliile these hydrautsare being promiscously used for other purposes, and we would axk that your Honorable Body ;ake some measure to prevent tliis in the future. For most of the use required by the city fixtures should be supplied for the use of small hose and fixtufes, and the same would undoubtedly do the work to better advantage. For the balance of this season, or until sucli arrangements can be made, his company will be glad to furnisii a man o attend to the hydrants at any time uotice s givea that the use of same is desired. Very respectfully, The Ann Arbor Water Co., per A. K. Ham, Receiver. Referred to the committee on water. REl'ORTS OF STANDING CO.MMITTEES. FBOM THE STREET COMMITTEE. l'o the Commou Council: Your committee on streets to wliora was referred the communication from the Board of Public Works with proflies of the proposed rades and asking for an appropriatlon of 450 to do the necessary grading on Church treet, Willard street and East University avenue, for to take care of the surface water ,hat accumulates on East University. Your ommittee would report that they have ooked overtheplan and grounds carefully and would recomniend that the appropriaion of Í150 be made from the street fund to Jo the necessary grading on the said streets. The committee alsosubmit the aecompanyng grade and profile wliich they recommend or adoption, your committee caused to be pfeparedand herewith submit the proper esolution eptablishlng said grades. Respectfully submitted. Chkistian Martin, W alter L. Taylor, a. 1'. fekguson, Frank Wood, Street Committee. Accepted, and recommendation conourred ia as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Wood, Alknendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Tay'.or, Kitson, Pres. Wines -9. Nays-Ald. Manly- 1. Leave being granted the following esolution was ofl'ered : By Aid. Martin : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the radeon Church street ought to be changed ind flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for pubic travel and trafile, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the rade on Church street from the southwest ine of Washtenaw ave. to the center line of Willard st., be and the same is hereby hanged from the present grade and fixed ind established, so that the grade on and long such street shall be as follows, that is o say : At tiie southwest line of Washtenaw ave 880.00 ft At the north line of College street 871.50 ' " 340 ft south ol the north line of College street 876 00 " Vt the center line of South University ave 871.50 it At 290 ft south of center line of South University ave 868.00 " " the center line of Willard street... 865.00 " he elevatlon given being above the official ity datum and along the center line of said treet, the'roadway to conform thereto and hegrade thereofto consist of straight Unes oetween the several points or stations above tated Adopted a-s follows : Yeas - Aids. AVagner, AA'ood, Allmendhiger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Mamly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines -10. Xnys - None. By Aid. Martin : Wuerbas, in the opinión of the Council he grade on East University ave. ought to e chauged and flxed and established. to tlie nd that such street may be made suitable or public travel and traffle. Therefore Resolved, and It is hereby ordered that the rade on East Uuiversity avenue from the enter line of Willard street to the center ine of Monroe street be, and the same s hereby changed from the present grade nd flxed and established, so that the grade jn and along such street shall be as follows, hat is to say: A.t the center line of Willard street- SM.óO ft ' " " ■ " Monroe street- _ KW.50 ft he elevatiou given being above the official ity datum and along the center line of said treet, the roadway to conform thereto, and he grade thereofto consist of straight linea uetween the several points or stations above tated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. AVaginer, Wood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Mamly, Taylor, Ivitson, Pres. AVines -10. IS'ays- None. By Aid. M,axti,n : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the radeon Willard street ought tobe chauged md Hxed and established, 10 the end that uoh street may be made suitable for public ravel and traffic. Therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade on Willard street from the center line ■f Church street to the center line of Kast Jniversity ave., be, and the sanie is hereby changed from the preseut grade and flxed ind established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is o say: U the center line of Church street - 65.00 ft " the center line of East Univ. Ave.. 8t1.50" the elevatiou given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto. and the grade thereof to consist of straight Unes between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aids. Wagner, AVood, Allmeiidinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson. Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. AVines -10. Nays - None. FROM THE SAME. To the Common Council: Your Committee on streets to whom was referred acertatu resolution asklneforan appropriatlon oí $100 for grading Thirteenth street, between Ann and Fuller streets, respectfully report thatthey have had the matter under conslderatiou and have iseveral imes vislted thls 6treetand also inspected the condition of Catherine street between Clark and Thlrteeuth streets, and your , mitteeare of the opinión that liPtime ha I come and public travel demanda that OithI crine and Thirteentb streets must be al nuce put in a siife comlltion as the streec glitters along said streel are very dunserous to tiie public You Committee womd Uierefore reeomthat the appropriation of Í500 bemadefioin the Street Fund and the Board of Public Works are hereby direcled to cause the necessary grading to be done on said streel, we also submit the grade and proflle of changing street grade on Catherine street between Clark and Thirteenth streets, your Commitue caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolutiou establlstiing and chauging said gratie. Rtfcpectfully submitted, CHK1STIAX MARTIN, A. P. Feköüson, W. L. Tayi.ok. Street Committee. Aid. Manly moved that the report be laid ou the table for one nionth, until the committee on streets can learu wliat the University folks will do relative to paving gutters on Catherine and Thirteentb streets at the hospitals. Adopte (1. PEOM THE SAMK. T the Common Couucil : Yuur Committee on streets, lo whom was referred the matter of flxlug grades and the approprlatlon that will ne necesuary Pr ihe gradlng of Brown and Lincoln streels. We would recommend the approval oí Btreef gradeas modirledand agreed upon bv your Street Committee. We also ftud thiit il is necessary that some grading be done on the said streets. We would recominend that the appropriation of $150.00 be made from the Streel Fund for such gradiug to put street in passable eouditlon. Kespectfully submitted, Chkistiax Martin, W. L. Taylor. A P. Ferguson, Frank Wood. Street Committee. Accepted and recominendation ooncnrred in as follows : Yeas- Aids. "VVagner, Wood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines -3 0. Nays- None. Leave being granted the followiDg resolutions were offered : By Aid. Martin : Whrrkas, in the opinión of Couucil the the gratie on the center line of LlDColn streel ougbt to be ch&uged and ftxed and estabüshed, to the end that. such str-et inay be made suitable and safe for public travel, and trafile. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on the center line of Lincoln street, ftom the s. e. line of S Main st. lo the center line of S Fourth Ave. be, and the sanie is hereby ehanged irom the present grade and flxed and established. so that the grade on and atong such street shall be as follows, thal is to say ;' At the s. e. line of S. Main st 850.50 ft At 80 feet east of the s. e. line of S. Main st 845.00 ft At tbe center line oí Brown st 835. üO ft At the center linevof S. Fourth Ave. .827.50 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the cerner line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to conslst of straight lines between the several point.s or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. AVagner, Wood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Tayloa-, Kitson, Pre. Willes -10. Nays - None. By Alderman Martini: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on the center line of Krown street ought to be ehanged and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, and traffic. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on the center line of Brown st. from the south line of Hill st. to the north line of Philip st. be, and the saine is hereby ehanged from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and along such slreet shall be as follows, that is to say : At the south line of Hill st 831.00 ft At -242 feet south of the south line of . Hillft 838.00 ft At 292 feet south of the south line of Hillst 838 00 ft At the center line of Lincoln st 835.60 ft At the north line of Philip st 811.41 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said Street, the roadway to conform thereio, and the grade thereof lo cousist of straight Unes between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. AVagner, AA'ood, Allmondinger, Martin, Hnyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kit.son, Pres. "Wines -10. Nays - None. FROM THE SAME. To the Coinmon Council : Yonr committee ou streets have under consideration the center grades of Washington street, from Twelfth to Fourteeuth streets and Fourteenth street, from Volland to E. Ann street, your committee eaused tobe prepared and herewlth submit the proper resolutions establishing said grades.' Kespectfully snbmitted, ('HKSTIAN MARTr.V a. P. Ferguson, W. L. Taylor, Wood, Street Committee. Accepted and leave being granted tlie foüowing resolutions were offered : By Aid. Martin : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on the center line of East Washington street ought to be chauged and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel and trafile, therefore II: solved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade ib the center line of East Washiugton street (rom the center line of Fourteenth street to center liue of Twelfth street be, and the same is horeby ehanged. lixed and establlshed, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows that is to say : At the center liue of Fourteenth st. 858.30 ft. ■' 100 of west of tho eer. ter liue of Fourteenth street 852.50 ft. " 200 ft. west of the center line of Fourteenth street 848.00 ft. " 300 ft. west of the center liue of Fourteenth sr.reet 847 .00 ft. ' 4iX) ft. west of center liue of Fourteenth street 848.00 ft. ' C00 ft. west of center line of Fourteenth street 852.00 ft. " 700 ft. west of center liue of Fourteenth street 857 00 ft. " the center liue of Twelfth street 876 50ft. the elevation giveu being above the official city datum and" aloug the center line of snid street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines between the several pnints or stations aboye stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, AVood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Ivitson, Pres. AVines -10. Nays- None. By Aid. Martin : Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade on Fourteenth st. ought to be chauged and lixed and established, to the end that BUCh street may be made suitable and safe for public travel and trafflc, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade ou Fourteenth street"from center of E. Ann street to cent„r of Vollaud street be, and the same is hereby ehanged irom the present grade and fixed and ostablished, so that the grade on and aloug such street shall be as follows, that is to say: At the center of East Ann street 875.35 ft " 10 feet sonth of center line of East Ann street 877.20 ft. " 100 feet south of center line of East Ann street 878.50 ft. " 150 feet south of center line of East Ann street 878.90 ft. ' 200 feet soutb of center line of East Ann street 878.30 ft. " 250 feet 9outh of center line of East Ann street 876.25 ft. " the center Une üf E. Hurón stree t_87S.8O f t. " ïnu fee' uorth oí the center line of tast Washington street 850.70 ft. " 50 feet north of center line of Kast Washington street 859.20 ft. " the ceuter line of Kast Washington Street 858.80 ft. 50 feet south of center line of Kast Washington street 858.30 f t. " ttie nortii line of Belser street MW.70 ft. " the ceuter of Vollaud street 873.70 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and aloug the centerline of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the j, rade thtreof to consist of straight lines between the several pointe or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yea.s- AMe. Wagoier, Wood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Tayloi-, Kitsen, Pres. Wlnee -10. Nays- None. FKOM THE SAME. To the Cominon Council : Your Committee on streets, to wliom was rtferred the comniunication of the Board of Public Wtrks, asking lor an appropriation of $400 for the eurbing and grading ot the center of South Universuy Ave. irora State street to Kast University Ave. would report that al'ter i personal lnspectlon, that the expendíture oí tlnsMiin oí rooney would materially add to the attractlveness of said Avenue, yet your Committee is reminded tbat thecondltion of the Street Kund, is not such as wil 1 warrant the expendilure which is more largely ornamental than necessary, we would therefore recomrnend that the appropriation asketl for be laid over uutil next year. Respectlully subinitted, ('hristian Martin, W aiter L. Tayj.ok, A. P. Ferouson, Frank Wood. Street Committee. Acceptecl and recommendation concurred in. FROM TUK SAME. To the Coramon Council : Your Committee on Streets, to wnoin was referred acertain resolutiou asUing tor the appropriation of $50 for the grading oí alley between Detroit and Klizabetli Streets. We would recotrunend that the appropriation of $50 be made Irom the Street Fund to do the necessary gradiug on said alley nccordiug to profile subraltted by the City Engineer. Kespeclfully subraitted. iiikistian Martin, A. P. Ferguson, W. L. Taylok, Fkank Wood. Street Committee. Adopted and recommendation concurred in as follows : Yeas- Aids. -Wagner, Wood, Allmendi'iiger, Martini, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines -10. JCays - None. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Chairman Bullis of the special committee on axamining and inspecting the inain sewer presented a report and the testimony taken by the cotnmitte in the matter, which was accepted, adopted and ordered filed. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That a vote of thauks is hereby extended, the gentlemen of the citizens' committee on sewers, for their ïwitiring efforts in a thorough lnspectlon of iniün sewer, and the committee is hereby discharged from the further consideration of the subject. AdODted. FROM SIDEWALK COMMITTEE. To the Cotnmon (,'osncil: Your committee on sidewalks wonld report there being a necessity for grading and constrnction of sidewalks where stated, your eommittee caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution ordering the sanie and recommend that it be adopted. Respectfully submitted, Arthur .1. Kitson, ('. J. Snyder, C. W. Wagner, D. F. Al,MENDINGER. Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and leave beina granted the following resolution was oflered : By Aid. Manly : Retolved, That thé gradiug and construction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared a uecessary public improvement, therefore It is lirrebv ordered that plank sidewalk be tincii-rl. huilt and constructed on and alonir tlü: foliOwing property in the city of Aun Arbor, vlz : on Btn.iainm street, south side from Mary street to toe west Une of block-1, of the John F. Lawrence addition. on .south Main street. west side in front of the property of Mrs. Catnerlne liever. üii Washington street along the sonth slde, property of Wesleyao Gulld. on East Hnron street, north side in front of the property of Mrs, Snsan Brown nd the Armstmii'i estáte. On North Fourth Ave., west side along the property of Andrew Peterson. That all such sidewalks be built, gralod and constructed In the manner, witbin the time and oí tin. material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinance cntitlod '■ An Ordinance Uelative to Sidewalks," and on the grade to be i - tablished. Aid. ïaylor moved an amendment tp tlie resolution by striking out that part where it orders walk built at the Wesleyan Guild property on Washington st. which amendment prevailed. The resolution as amended then prevailed . FKOM TIIE SAME. To the Common Council: Your committee on sidewalks to whom was relerred by the Board of Public Works the several sidewalk grades were stated, your oommittee caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolutions establishing the same, and recomnsend that they be adopted. Respectfully subinitted. C. H. Manly, Arthur .1. Kitson, c. j. sn y dek, d. f. ai.mkndinoer, O. W. Wagnkk. Sidewalk Committee Aecepted and leave being granted, the the following resolutions were offered : SIDEWALK GRADE RESOLUTION. By Aid. Manly : Whereas, In the opinión of the Oouncil the grade of the eidewalk on the north side of (Contlnued on 6ixth page.) Council Proceedings. li lo . m thlrd page i V. Aon hl. oughl to be changt-d iüd Öxi-d iuui elbllhed, tQ theend Ihat nncll ctreel I m-t.v r.e made suitable aii'i sute fur public u a vel, i hrefore Reeotvcd, and H is hereby ordered ihat the graue o) Ihe sidewalk on ml along il. f north lde cii Went Anu streel fiom easi line of N. , Kirst. streel lo west line of Norm Ashley meet be. and tbe sanie s hereby changed. n.xed and established, so that the gradé of said sidewalk on and along ihe slreel aforesaid shall beas foliows. Ihat is lo sa : At the n. e. oor. of N. First st. and W. i I Ann st 26 ft i Al i40 feet hii of uie n. e. cor. of N. Flrstal. andW. Ann st 814.80 ft At the n. w. cor. of N. Ashley and W. ! Ann st 820 61 It tbe eievation given beiugabove .m city datum a.d alöug ihe center ine of u) i walk, aml tne giade lines lo cóntimt of straight unes between the several poiuiK r stations nbove sta-led. Adcpted ais tollows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Wood, Alltnendingar, Martin, &nyder, Ferguson, Man'.y, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. AVines -10. Nays- Xone. F,y Aid. Manly : Whe.ka8, in the opinión of the Council Ihe gradeoftbe BldèwHlk ou the south lde pf E. lAnn street. ousnt tobe ebanijed and flxed and et-tablished, to the end that sueh Mreet may be made suitable and safe for in 1)1 Ie travel, thetefore RetoU'cA, aiidit Is hereby ordered that the gnidt oi me sidewalk on and along the sopih side o; E. Ann streel frora west line of s. ngttlls -t. lo east line of s. Thayer st. be, and the same is bereby ehanged, fixed and tstahlished, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aroresaid shall be as tollows, that is to say: At thes. w. cor, of S. Ingalls st. and E Ann si .. . 873.14 ft l the s.e. cor. of S. Thayer st. and E. Ann st 871.09 ft the eievation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade lines toconsist of straight ines between the several points or stations above sta led. Adopted as foliows : Yeas - Aids. AA'agner, Wood, Allmendinggr, Martin, tSnyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pree. Winee -10. Naya - Xcme. By Aid. Manly: Whoreas, in the opinión of the Council the of the sidewalk on the novth side of E. rVashington street ought to be changed and fixed and establiBhed, to the end that sueh Btreet may be made suitable and eafe for jublic travel, therefore Kesolved, and it is hereby ordered that Uie rrade of the sidewalk on and alony the north ide of E. Washington street from eaet line of f. Ingalls street to west line of Twelfth street De, and the same is hei-eby changed, fixed aud established, so that the strade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as foliows. that is tosay: At the n e corner of S. Ingalls and E. Washington streets, 875. ft! ft. At the n w corner of Twelfth and E, Washington streets 878.65 ft. the eievation eiven being above the official city datum and along tbe center line of sueh walk, and the prade lines to consigt of straight lines between the seyeral points or stations above stated. Adopted as foliows : Yeas- Aids. ■Wagmer, AVood, Allmen(liniiér, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson. Manly, Taylor, Kfteon, Pres. Wines -10. Nays- None. By Aid. Manly: Whereas, in the O' inion of the Oouncil the grade of the sidewalk on ths west side ot Twelfth street ought to be changed and fixed and estHblished, to the end that sueh streel may be made suitable and safe for public travel, t heref ore Keeolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of Twelfth street fiom south line of E Huron street to north line of E. Washington street be, and the same is hereby changed. fixed and established. so that the frrade ot said Bidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follow6, that is to sav: At the s w corner of E. Huron and Twelfth 6treets 877.40 ft. At the n w corner of E. Washington aad Twelfth streets 878.60 ft. the eievation cïveu beini; above the official city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade Unes toconsist of straight line between the several poin s or stations above stated. Adopted as foliows : Yeas - Aids. AVagner, AVood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, rUauly, Taylor, Kitson, Pree. AVines -10. Nays- Xone. By Aid. Manly: Whereas, in the opinión of the Council tin Kidde of the sidewalk on the east side of S. Ingalls st' eet ouglit to bechanged and flxec and established, to the end tlmt sueh street may be made sultable and safe for public travel, therefore Kesolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and alonir tbe cast side of S. Ingalls street from nortb line of N. University Ave. totiouth line of E. Washington street be, and the same is hereby changed, fl.xed and established, sothat the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesald shall be as foliows, that is to say: At the n e corner of N. University Ave. and S. Ingalls street 87ñ.:i9ít At the s e corner of E, Washington street and S. Ingalls streets 875.63 ft the elevatioo glven being above the official city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade lines to consisto! straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as foliows : Yeas- Aids. ATagner, AVood, Allmendlnger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, ftlan'iv, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. AA'ines r-10. Nays - Xone. By Aid. Manly: Whereas, in the opinión of thi Council tht the grade of the sidewalk on tbe south side ol P. University Ave. ought to be changed, fixec and establlshed, to the end that sueh street may be mane suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Kesolved, and it is hereby ordered 1 hal tht grade of tbe sidewalk n and along the soutl side of S. University Ave. from west line of E. University Ave. to the east line of S. Twelftli treet be. and the same is herebj changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as foliows, that is to say: At the s w corner of E. University Ave. and S University Ave ..S.20ft At the s e corner of Twelfth street and S Dniversity Ave .871.58 f i the eievation given being above the officia city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade linestoconsist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as foliows : Yeas- Aids. AVagmer, AA'ood, Allmendtnger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Maiily, Taylor, Kitson, l'res. AArines -10. Nays- Xone. tiy Aid. Manly: Whereas. In the opinión of the Oouncil the grade of the sidewalk on tbe west side of S State street ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that sueb strect may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Kesolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of S. State street from south line of Jefferson street to south line of Madison stree be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said. sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as foliows, that is tosay: At the s w corner of Jefferson street and S. State street - 87.2.88 ft. At the n w corner of Madison street and S. State street 871.22 ft. the eievation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade Tines toconsietof straight linee between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted s follows Yea-s- A'.íls. Wegnar, Wood. Allmendingev, Martin, Snyder, Fergusoru Man", y, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wlnea -10.' Nays- Xone. By Aid. Manly: Wbereae, m thc opinión of the CounciJ the ■itdewalk un ihe north side ef w. Hurón Street ontrlit to be changad and fixed and established, to the ( mi that sueh stiiet may be made suitable and tafe for public travel, thereíoi e Renolved, and it. is hereby ordered tbat the B-rade of the side walk on and along the nonh side ol V Hnron street from tbe west line of Ashley street to the east, line of First street be, and the same ib hereby enanged, fixed and establisbed. so that the grade of said pid'ewalk on and ilonp the street aforesaid shall be as fo.iows, tb'at ii to say : At the i: w corner of Asliley and W Huron streew -- B25.ift. At I5U 't. wen of the n w corner of Ashley and W. Huron streef 817. 25 ft. t the n e corner of First and W. Huron et reet M4 07 ft. the elevmiot piven heitig above the official itydaium and along theeenter line of euoh valk. and ihe grade liees to conslst of Straight ir;es botween the several points er statio 8 borestated. Adopted as follows : Yeae - Aids. Wagner, TVood. Alknendinger, Martin, t?nyder, Ferguson, MaiT.y, Tayloor, Kitson, Pres. Wines -10." Nays- Neme. KROM THE SAME. ?o the Common Council: Your Committeeon Sidewalks find that the Öllowing approaches to crosswalks, on and along Soutb l niversity avenue acroes Thayer nd Ingalls 8treets. and along East Ann Street acroes Thayer street, as Dein;; out of ■epair. We would theret'ore recoininend that. he appropriation of $75 be maae trom the Jridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, to rebuild said approaches of stone llagging, C. H. Manly, C. J. Snydeu, D. F. Allmendingek, C. W. WaGnek, Arthur J , Kitson, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and recommendations coneurred in as follows : Yeafi - Aids. Wagner, Wood, Allmendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. "Wines -10. Nays - None. FKOM THE SEWER COMMITTEE. To the Common Council; Your Committee on Sewers. to whom wae referred the report of tlie City Engineer reiative to the construction of a lateral sewer oh and along Washington street, beg leave to submit tbefollowing report: We have gone over and inspected the route of the proposed lateral, and the lateral sewer district indicated in such report of the City Engineer, and have heard all persons appearing and dt-Mring to be heard in relatiou to toe matter, and we are of the opinión that a lateral sewer on Washington street east f rom the main sewer is a necessary public improvement, and that the same ought to be constructed, commencing at the main sewer and running easterly along Washington street to .State street tliencesoutherly on State street to North ITniversity avenue, thence easterly on North Cniversity avenue and Washtenaw avenue near the intersection of Church street, also including the High School sewer and the University sewer as part of this lateral sewer Bystem. We have alo duly considered the estimates of the City Engineer for thu construction of such proposed improvement, and approve the anie. We aleo apjjrove the boundariesof toe lateral sewer district indicated in such report. Your committee would therefore reeommend that the said lateral sewer be ordered constructed. and herewith submit the necessary resolution and order therefor. Kespectfully submitted. Arthuk J. Kitson, C. H. Manly, Kkank Wood, Chbistjan Martin, Sewer Comiaittee. Accepted, and leave being granted, the following resolution was offered: LATEKAL SEWER DISTRICT NO. 'l. Resolution and order tor the construction of a lateral sewer in and aloiifr Washington street easterly from the main sewer. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the construction of a lateral sewer in and along Washington 6treet easterly from the main sewer is deemed and hereby declared to bc a neceesary public improvement. Theref o. e, the Board of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to eauee such lateral sewer to be constructed aecording to the ordinance in such case made and pro vided Resolved further, That the District be assessed and charged with the cost and expense oi such lateral sewer be.and the same is hereby determined and fixed as foliows: All lauds, Iot6 and parts of lots contalned in the following list, the said lands, lots and parts of lots being all the constituent parts of such district or territory which may and shall be rightfully connected with the Washington street lateral sewer east of the main sewer laid out in and upon the streets or alleys on whieh the lands, lots and parts of lots embraced in said list have a frontage. These lands, lots and parts of lots being marked on the map of Sewer District No. 2, on file in the Engineer's office. Towit: Blockl s r 1 e and part of section 29: A piece of land in the southeast corner of said block bounded north by P. Schall's land, east by First street and west by Heinzmann & Laubengayer's land. Block 2 e r 1 e and part of section 29: A piece of land bounded north by Washington street, south and west by Allmendinger & Sehneider's land and east by First street. Block 1 s r 2 e lots 5, 6, 7 and 8. Block 2 s r 2 e lots 1, 6, 7 and 8. Block 1 s r 3 e lots 5, 6 and 7 and the 61 feet and 8 incites of lot 8. Block I s r 3 e lots 1, 2, 8, 6, 7, 8 and the north 20 ft. of loto. Block 1 s r 4 e lots 5, ti, 7 and 8. Block Z 8 r 4 e lots 1, 2, 3, ü, 7 and 8. Block 1 s r 5 e lots 5, ö, 7 and 8, Block 2 s r 5 e lots 1, 2, 3, (, 7 and 8. Block 1 s r tí e lots 16, 2, 14, 13. 12 11, 10 and 9 Block 2 s r tí e lots 1, 16, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7 and 8. Cornish addition lots 6, 7, 8 and 9. Block 2 s r : e lots 1 ana 2. l'artof section29: A piece of land being 133 ft. in riepth and liaving a frontage of 101 72-1 fX) feet bounded north by Douglas6' land, east by Duncan's land, south by Washington street, west by Helber's land. A piece of land bounded north by Baptist church land, east by G. t'. Pease's land. west by Douglass's land, south by Washingtuu si reet. A piece ol' land bounded north by Baptist church, east by Fasquelle & Hennequin's land, south by Washington street, west by Duncrtn's lamí. A pieee of land 10 rods on Washington etreet, bounded north by Zlmmennann'e land. east by M. E. church land, south by Washington street, west by J. G. Pease's land. A piece of land liaving a frontage of 8 rods on Washington street and 4 rods on State street, bounded north by the McMillan Hall property. east by State street, south by Washington, we6t by the Fasquelle land. Kloc-k2sr8e (Danfurth & Wllson's additions). Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. Block 2 s r 9 e lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8. Block 3 s r 9 e lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 1. Block 1 s r 10 e High School property. Block 2 s r l'i e lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. tí, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15 and 10. Block lsrlle lots 5. 6, 7, and 8. Block 2 s r 11 e lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, li, 7, 8, St, 10, 11 12, i:i, 14, 15 and 16. Bloek 1 s r 12 e south half of block 1 s r 12 e. Block 2 s r 12e lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and a piece of land in the south eastcorner of said block, bounded north by Quinn's land, east by Twelfth Street, south by N. University Ave, west by lot 10. Block 2 s r 13 e lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 7, and 8. Part of Sec. 28, Ann Albor: A piece of land 66 feet front on N. University avenue by 196 feet deep, boundec' on the north by Moriran's land, east by E. F. Johnson's land, south by N. University avenue, west by Prettyman's land. A piece of land frontlng66 feet on N. University avenue by 198 feet deep, bounded on the north by Morgan 's land. south by N. tTüiversity avenue, east bj Mls8 Pa ten, and wrsi by John&onV land A piece of land iron:inr 494 feet on N. verisïty avenue by 1 feet deep. bounded north by Morgan's land, east by S"nith's land. south by N. UniVerBity avenue, we6t by Julinson's land. R. S.Smltb's Third Addition: A piece of land beinfr 3 33-100 acres, 28248 feet front on Washteuaw avenue, anrt 132 7r, ieeton Volland street, bminded east by Butts' land, and west by Mise Patten and tot Morgan estáte land. Part of Sec. 28, Ann Arbov: A piece of land íronttng 26O.70 feet on Washtenaw avenue, bounded north and northwes by Vollund street. 6outh to a point on Geddes avenue, east by Glaser's land, anO southwest by Washtenaw avenue. K. S. Smith's First Addition: Lo;s i, 2. :. and the north 1V5 rods of lot 4, and the west part of lots 7 and 6. Adopt-eü as ïollows : Yeas- Aids. "Wagiier, "Wood, Allrnendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Maniy, Taylor, Kitson, Pre. "Wines -10. Nays - None. FROM THE SAME. To the Comnion Counpil : Y OUT Committee on Sewers, to whom was referred the petition of property owuers oí the Fifth Ward.askirig for lateral sewer to t'6 oODStructed fvom the fnterseotion of the main sewer on Wall street and Broadway exteudingm rrh-easteily along Broadwaytoa noiut lr.eated on sewer map, yourComniittee CMused to beprepared and herewith eubmit the properresolution orderinji the and recoruniend that it be adopted. We would further reoornmend ihat the Board of Public Works do proceed with th constructiou of the 12 in branch main Bwer extending from Broadway down Wall street. crosslngr the river, and joining the main sewer as per report adopted January 4th, 1893. Respeetfully submitted. ARTHUK J. KiTSOK. C. H. Manly, Frank Wood, ChristiAn Martin, Sewer Committee, Aecepted and leave being granted, the following resolution was offered: By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, and it is declared that it is expedient to cause and it ishereby ordered tbat a lateral sewer be constructed in, on and along Broadway extending north-easterly from the branch main sewer on Broadway and Wall street, to a point on Broadway indicattdon the sewer map as theterminat thereof. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Wood, Allmendiiifier, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Man'.y, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines -10. Nays - Xne. FROM THE LIGIITING COMMITTBB. To the Common Councll: Your Committee on Lightingr, to whom was referred the petitions, askiujr for electric liKhts on the corner of Fifth avenue aod inmmit street, and at the Intersection of Washington Btreet and Fourth avenue, respectfully report that your oommittee visited the different localities on Friday eyeninR, August 17th, in a body, fully enspeeted the same and would recommend the, namely: That the petition for liirht on the interseotion of Fifth avenue and Summit street, your Committee finds this locality the lijiht not as necessary, as it would give bettersatisfaction to place the ligbt on the corner of Fourth avenue and üepot street. on rtü-foot pole. We therefore recommend that this light be granted and located as recommended. That the petition for llght at the intersection of Washington etreet and Fourth avenue be granted, as this light is neceseary for the reason, this loeality bas in the past ytar been built up on all four corners with business blocks. said light to be a swinging light suspended across the streets. Respectfully submitted. A. P. Fergcson, W. L. Tayloh. Ckristian Martin, Lichting Committee. Aecepted andrecommendationsconcurred in as follows: Yeas - Aids. Wagne.r, AVood, Allniendinger, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. "VVines -10. Nays - None. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The Clerk reported that he had four sealed bids on bis table from the local coal dealers of the city, to furnish the city its coal and asked that they be referred to a committee for inspection. Referred to the Committee on Finance. MOTIOXS AND BBSOLUTIONS. Aid. Wagner moved that the Street Railway ordinance presented this evening be read the second time by sections. Aid. Manly moved as a substitute that tbe ordinance be referred to the Ordinance Committee, which motion was lost. The motion of Aid. Wagner being now put, prevailed. The second reading by sections of an ordinance to amend Section Seven of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Street Railways," adopted August 13th, 1888, and as amended September 6th, 1889, and approved September llth, 1889. Aid. Wagner moved that the Street Railway ordinance be now read the third time and put on its final passage. Adopted. The third reading by sections of an ordinance to amend Section Seven of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Street Railways," adopted August 13th, 1888, and as amended September 6th, 1889, and approved September llth, 1889. Aid. Wagner moved to strike out in line 20 all after the word '"suspended" all of that sentence, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "not less than eighteen feet above the track." The yeas and nays being called the amendment prevailed as follows. Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitson, Pres. Wines- 9. Nays - Aid. Manly - 1. After which the cbair having stated the question to be, "Shall this ordinance pass as amended?" the yeas and nays being called, the ordinance, as - amended, passed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Martin, Allmendipger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Taylor, Kitson, Tres. Wines- 9. Nay- Aid. Manly. By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved, That the Fire Committee report to this Councll at lts next meeting, plans and specifications and estímate coet of a brick veneered addition to the Engine House, for the storage of straw, hay and wagonette. Adopted. By Alderman Wood; Resolved, That the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to cause to be published l.dOi c'-ptes o1' the report of the special eewer - litee, with Prof. Greeue'is rt-poris, w th al] -"her committeeg reporta connected with onstructson of the rmtin sewtr. A!d. Ferguson moved that the resolution olïered by Aid. Wood and ihe report made by the special sewer committee be referred u the Finalice Comruittee for report, if necessary to publish the whole matter, a!so an pstimate cost of publioation, and report at the next Council meeting. Adopted and so referred, hs follows: Yeas- Aid. VVagnev, Martin. Allmendinger, Snyder. Ferguson, Eitfion, Pres Wines- 7. Nays- Aid. Wood, Manly, Taylor, ö. Aid. Wagiier moved that the sidewalk prade along the north side of Madison street between State and ïhoiupson streets, is hereby referred to the Snievvalk Committw! for invesI tigation. Adopted. Aid. Taylor moved that the prayer of Mr. (loon, as to gratiting him per mission to teiñporarilj iay walk at his resideuce on Wáshteuáw avenue, be granted. Aid. Manly moved as a substitnte that the matter of Mr. Coon's walk be postponed until the last regular meeting in March, 189S. Adopted. By Aid. Wagner: Resolved, That the City Clerk be instructed to notity the State Railroad Commissioner that the crosginge of the T. & A. A. Ry, withih the city are not properlv guarded. Adopted. On motion the Counci! adiourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News