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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. IOK SALE.- Tireed, ng Sows and Ltttle Pigs, J. H. BOYLE, 2 mues weet of Northttëld church. FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron Street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful loeation. Will sellon easy terms. Appljto or address E. D. Davis, West Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf FOE SALE AND TO RENT.-Several good farms, farming lands and city property improved and unimproved, on very easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE OR RENT.- Large new house wlth all modern improvements, eistern and city water in honse and well near door. Will take in part payment small house or lotsor small farm near city, balance on loDg tirne and low interest. P.C. Box 1345. FOR SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St. in acre or tive acre lots or all together. Long time, email payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit. Mich. LOST.- On Whitmore Lake rond, between Ann Arbor and Catholic church, a purse uontaininf; a small amount of money and tworings. Finder please return to öheenan & Co , Abn Arbor, and receive reward. 0T-T1 LOST.- August 4t!i, '94, mortgage, on Jlaia or Washington to Fourth to Huron. Any one finding please send to Ann Belding, 19 Wall st., City. LOST- on Monday afternoon July 16th, 1894, one pocket ledger account book on a street. in Ann Arbor or on the south Ypsilanti road toH.Platfs.tben south to Milan, the flnder will please send to me at Chelsea, Mich . and receive reward. H. Lighthall. PIANO TUN1NG.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Ahgus office will receive his attention. TO RENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A Hat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf ryO RENT.- iurnisbed house beated witb Í furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G.Butts. Room 18'. Masonic Block. WANTED. A FARM.- We have a buyer who wishes to purchatea farm near Ann Arbor. If you have one to sel I cali at once. The Bach Agenoy, l(i E. llurou St.., Ann Arbor. WANTED.- Small farm near Ann Arbor. Mnstbeobeap. G ve price ntul descrjption. NVi i 1 Ut in city soon. Address box i:J4r Gi-ayllng, Mloh. WANTED. -Good tenant fir very nice store on Liberty st., near State. '■ ei ms reasonable. Al.-o fíats to rent. very desirable. Enquire 18 South State st. VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD...„-r VÍCTOR FI.YER $125.00. If you are going to ride why not ride the best, Victora are best! Cali and see them and you will be convinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMP0R1ÜM. 11 W. 'Washington St., Ann Arbor N. B.- We have a large line of seoond-hand wheels whicb we are selling very cheap. KITREDGE, No. 6 West ann Street. UÏIEHMyiMIM, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all trains. day and niftht. Orders for trains, parties, weddingp anrt funerais promptly attended to. Telephone, 10b Ann Arbor Mieh. I)K. D. M. FISHEB, msmm süsseoh m dentïst Gradnate of Ontario VeterinaryCollege. All diseaíes of Domestlcated Animáis Scientifically treated. Calis promptly atttnded to day or night. Oflice. Robinson's Livery, S. Fourlh Ave.. Anu Arbor Mich. Special Sale! The ladies attention is wanted duiing the sale starting June 21 until June 3Oth. 1 will sell trimmed hats and bonnets, valued from $1.00 to $7 50, from 50c up to S5.00. All Untrimmed Hats from 10c to$i.oo. Leghom Hats from 50c up to $2. 00, the very best quahty. Come early and select the best. Respectfully, Mrs. A. M. OTTO, Cor. 'Washington and 4th Ave. MWant MoneyV or a Home? Wan. Work? or a Farm? Want to open a store in a growing town? Want _ to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improved ïarms in a ni well 6ettled resrion without paying cash? Particular and publications sent tree by F. I. WlIIT. NEY, St. Paul, Minn.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News