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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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Nlo.l48SHEL.BYST. DETROIT, MICH. IIWIIMHIMIIIIIIII HllliHIHIHimill li i 'illi 1 1 III "TTTTlillfllM Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debüity, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseascs Posftivcly Cured by Be Hew Mofl Tinalipi -E ïonüerfui Oiscoveig You can Deposlt the Money In Your Bank or wlth Your Postmaster to be paid us alter you are CURED under a written Guarantee! SelfAbute, Exeattt and Blood THttata hnve wrecketl the lives of thoneands of yonng men tod middle aged men. The farm, the workbhop, th Banda school, t ie ollice, the proieaHons - all have it victima. Yon g man, if yon have been indiscreet, lnwtre of the futureMiddLt aard men, you are growing prematnrely weak and oíii, luth exually and physically. Conealt ns before too late. NO NAIWES USED WITHOUT WRI1TEN CONSENT. Confidential. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. H. COTjLINS. W. S. Colllns. of Saglnaw. Speaks. W. S. CÜLL1N3. BEFOUE TREATM'T S. A. TONTÓN. BEFOBE Tb'eaTM'T T. P F.MRSON. BEFOBE TRKATM'T "I am 29. At 15 I learned a bad liabit which I continlod tul 19. I then became "one of the boys" and led a :ay life. Exposare produced Syiüii. I becamo nervns and despondent; noambition; memory poor; eyes od, snnken and blar; pimples on face; hair loóse, bono mine; weak back; varicocele; (1 reunís and losaos at íight; weak parta; dppoait in urine, etc. 1 Hpent hunIreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating nicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & íergan's New Metbod Treatment. Thank God I ried it. In two montha I was cured. Tliis was sii eare ago, and never had a return. Was married two 'ears ao and all happy. Bojs, try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan before giving np hoiw." Seminal Weakness, Impotency and Varicocele Cured. "When I consnltcd Drs. Kennedy & Kersan, I had littlehope. I wa surpriHod. Tlieir new Method Treatment improved me the first week. EmisHions ceased, Qerves became atrong, pains disappoared, hnir grew in igain, eye6 became br'Rht. cheerful in ;ojnpany and ïtrong sexaally. Having triod many Quaoks, I can beartily recoinmend Drs. Kcnneiy tt Kersan as reliable Specialists. They treatini me bonorably and skilifolly." A Nervous Wreek- A Happy Life. T. P. Emerson Hns a Ndrruw Escape. "I live on the farm. At school I learm-d an early hnljit, which weaKoned me ph: . senually and mentally. Family Doctors uaul 1 was uin intii "decline" (Oonsumption '. Kinallr "! he Golden Monitor," editod by ütb. Kenn i),v & Kergan feil into ray hands. I learned the Truih and uuse. Hel f iiliuBe had sapped my vitality. I Éook the M'w Melhüd Trmlmtut añil wut pared My frieiirin hink 1 was cured of Consumplion. 1 have sent them inany patients, all of whom wpre ëmred. Their New - Method Treatment supplicB vigor, vitality and 1 . hood." a AJFTER TBEATM'T 8. A., TONTÓN. A. fKB fUKATM'T. r. P. F.MRSON. te) KTKR TBKATMKNT. rjrirITD i Are yon a victim? Have yon lost hope? Aro yon contemplatinr marnCnULn tinge? Has your Bliod boen dif wteu? Hnve yon any weakneser Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Whut it divb lone for utliera t will do for you 16 Years in Detroit. 160,000 Cured No Risk. Consultatlon Free. No matter who has treated yon, write for an honest opinión Free oí charge, ('harges reaconable. Books Free - 'The Goldeu Monitor" (üUnstratwil on DiseaBee of men. Inclose ptwtage, 2 cent. Sealed. HTNO ÑAMES USED WITHOUT WR1TTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C. O. No ñames on boxes or envelODet EverythinK confidentlal. Questlon llst and cost oí Treatment. FREE.


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