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Stearns' Narrow Escape

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Many of our citizens are givin Editor Stearns of the Adrián Press credit of writing the articles in th Adrián Telegram and 'limes. Thi is an error. Mr. Stearns' article in the Press in regard to the ball gam was characterized by his usual fair ness and should not be comparec with those of the other two papers Mr. Stearns was on the ground. - Monroe Democrat. When the furious chararter of th meeting between Monroe and Adrián as described by the Monroe paper in two or three columns is consid ered, the wonder is that Stearns anc others from Adrián were not left in the ground. That it was a very ho affair, is apparent from the follow ing extracts from the Democrat "When we invited Adrián we la bored under the hallucination tha we invited gentlemen. There were no windows broken in the cars as the Adrián papers woulc have people believe, nor stones o clubs thrown at the vanquished. In justice to Monroe ladies we deny the charge that they spit in the visitors' faces. Yes we are sor ry you came. Monroe was never so disgraced by a visiting crowd be fore or lied about afterwards through the papers. It will also be well to know that Monroe will not even answer a challenge or invitation from her disgraceful western neighbor. The last fake is to charge Gen. Spalding with hooting them. The Adrián contingent illustrated the fact that if you put a pig n the parlor he will begin to look :or mud. We are sorry, very sorry, t happened, but the visitors got ust what they asked for in the most jublic manner possible." It is probable that this ball meetng will exert a marked influence on the congressional campaign. Brethren, together let us unite in inging the following hymn: Three bliodmice; Seehow they run! They all run after the farmer's wife; She cutoff their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever hear such a tale in your life? About three blind mice!


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News