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If It Could Be Afforded

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The Argus does not believe in asking too rauch, especially in these hard times, when the country has not yet recovered from the staggering blow dealt it by the McKinley tariff. It therefore approaches with great delicacy the subject that lies uppermost in its mind at the present t me. The Argus knows aad ío does the public of Ann Arbo', through the columns of the Argvs. that very material changes have of late taken place in the opera house, involving a large outlay of paint for the seats and glue for the torn and disfigured noses and cheeks of the people represented on the curtains and scène shifts, embracing a job of restorative surgery of no mean skill, if the scenic surgeon would escape prosecution for malpractice Reserved seats have been parti tioned off in the gallery to separate the sheep frora the goats and here are other improvements that have taken place and are willing to take place on sufficient provocation. As we said, the Argus does not believe inasking too rauch, although the old,consumptive bill board that leans for support against the crookec telephone pole in front of the Argus office, does look like thunder. We well know the cost of a giltedged bill board to be some five dollars or less, and although under the new tarifï law we are about to enter on a career of prosperity, still we do not countenance wild extravagance; but if that bill board could have some repairs on it, we would shout "hallelujah! 'tis done!" The fact is, it is not all there. We are sorry that any of it is there. We have made inquiry why the bill board looks jagged and worn and melancholy and missing under the arms, and have been informed that portions of it may yet probably be found in Mr. K.'s old horse; that the depraved bill-poster salted ais paste and the horse ate the bil! board on account of the salt. and that the slivers stick up through his skin in such quantities that he is unable to shed his coat. But as we said, we aren't asking anything. Of course we would like to see a new bill board as the sight of the old one is enough to give a sober man the delirium tremens, but if it mustn't be, how would it do to varlish the old feller?


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News