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Congressman Gorman Interviewed

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Longressman Gorman, of the second district, was at the Cadillac 'esterday and chatted with a Free j Press representativo about -politicul matters in general. Asked how af'airs were in his district, Mr. Gorman replied: "In the second district, notwithtanding the fact the republicans re talking loudly in reference to arrying that district and the evience of that feeling in the repubican convention, precipitating such fierce struggle, I am satisfied the next congressman will be a demorat, republican expectation to the ontrary. From present appearnces the democrats are exercising iie same amount of confidence in iew of the fact that there are as many aspiring candidates for nomnation in the democratie party as here are in the republican party." "Whom do you thinkwill be nom nated?" was asked. "A loyal supporter of Cleveland's administraron," was the reply. "Are you a candidate, Mr. Germán?" "As to the seeking of the nomination, I aru in no sense an aspirant for renomination. I believe that it is an office that should be left open to the judgment and good sense of the party to seek the man. If I am left to fny own personal wishes and feelings, under no circumstances would I have anything to do with it. If the nomination should be tendered me with practical unanimity, I am in doubt as to what I would do. My personal feelings at present would be to decline and ask the convention to select some one else." "Why do you think the democrats will carry the second district?" "Because it is normally a democratie district, and the early boasting of anticipated republican success has already lost its force. They accuse the democrats of failing to pass a purely democratie tariff reform bill. We ask the republicans what they are standing on and they do not know. When they accuse us of failure, we can play the Yankee and ask them 'where they are at?' The new tariff bill is now the law, and while it does not come up to the wishes of many democrats, it must, nevertheiess, be con,ceded by all democrats that it is a decided improvement in the direction of tariff reform cm the MctCinley law. The passage of the bill has done one thing that perhaps will be more appreciated in the future than in the present, and, as President Cleveland has timely indicated in his letter published in this morning's Free Press, brought to the public gaze the influence of combined wealth in the matter of legislation. It ought i now to appear plainly to any person ; of ordinary intelligence that the subjjectof protection has been in the interest of capitaüsts and combinations of wealth. The next great question the people of this country will be cal led upon to settle will be the elimination from congressional favor of every trust and combine that has grown so affluent under


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