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George Mano, of Belding, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. C. Lehn and daughters visited h few days at Saud lake, last week. Miss Blinn, who has been visiting lier aunt, Mrs. Geo. Ilaeusler, the past weeks has returned to her home. August Nisle is visiting relatives at ilillsdale, and expects to return to Ann Arbor uext week to resume nis duties as clerk in Schaier& Millen's store. Mrs. Chas. Vogel and children who have been spending two weeks at Sand lake visited relatives in town a few days last week. Bertha and Marie Kirchhofer and master Heina, spent a few days at and lake, visiting at the Lake view cottage. Mrs. F. Ortenburger went to Detroit, last week to visit relatives a few days. Mr. Stitts, of Evans lake, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. Aylesworth. Among those who, with their families, are camping at Wampler's lake are C. E. Lewis, C. W. Case, A. F. Freeman, T. Farrell, Ed. Root, and T. B. Bailey. Miss Dora Schultz, who has been speuding her vacation at Wolf lake, the guest of Miss Isabelle Millen, has returned home. Miss Martha has returned f rom Ypsilanti, where she had been visiting relatives. A number of men have been busy the past week, at the place where the Union hall stood, exeavating, drawing, etc, and it will soon be ready for the erection of the new building. Different parties have been here looking af ter the contract for building; among them were Mr. Mensinger, of Tecumseh, and Mr. Tessmer, of Ann Arbor. Miss Julia Kirchhofer will open the fall term of school in the Short district, Bridgewater, next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Holt returned from a week's yisit at Detroit last Saturday. The trip must have been too much for Mr. Holt, as he has been sick and confined to the house the jast few days. Master Eddie Sherwood, of Clinton, is visiting relatives in towii a few days this week. Mrs. Chas. Kreitner and children, of JNorvell, were in town a few days this week, visiting friends. John Kensler was in Toledo the first of the week on business. Mrs. Dickerson, of Bridgewater, moved in town last Monday and will occupy the house lately vacated by Harve Anthony. A new roof is being put on the Union school building, and the hammers liave been going at a lively rate in order to get the same completed before Monday. The shingles came from the state of Washington and were somewhat delayed in getting here. N. Schmid and family who have teeu spendiug the summer at their cottage at Sand lake returned to their Manchester home Wednesday. A number of1 families drove to Freedom last Sunday to attend the mission services.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News