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Miss M. Ferris entertained friends Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Pidd entertained friends Thursday of last week. Miss ZitaBallou isvislting inNorthfield. Business called Geo. Reason, of Pinckuey, here, Monday. Ilugh McCabe made a flying trip to the county seat ou Monday. Mr. Densmore, of Ypsilanti, will spend the week here. Mr. Eagle and family now occupy Wia. Gregory's tenant house. Nellie llyan, daughter of William Ryan, was thrown trom a horse one day last week, striking on her elbow with such f oree as to cause a bad fracture of the bone. At this writing she is doing nicely and it is hoped she will be out in a short time. Mr. Mackay is spending a few days at his grand-Darents'. Carrie Irwin ia home from a ten days' stay with her auut in Jackson. Clyde Carpenter is staying with his grand-parents at Pettysville. Arthur Kiltz, of Ann Arbor, spent the past two weeks in this vicinity. Mrs. Wade, of Dansville, is here visiting her aunt for a few days. Miss Nellie Holmes, of St. Johns, is being entertained by Dexter friends. Miss Almira Ballou is home, after spending several weeks near Emery. Miss Winnie Walters, who has been spending a few weeks here, has returned to her home at Benzonia. Miss Minnie Reider has been visiting in Ann Arbor. Miss Ida Dixon expects to go to Chicago to make her home the coming winter. Mrs. Wallace, of Chicago, visited her mother reeen tly. Mrs. F. 8. Hall has been entertaining her daughter. Prof. Shartau and family are preparing to move to Chicago. Mrs. G. Wall and the Misses Josephine Costello, Maggie Harris and Annie Gallagher are at St. Annne de Beaupre for a ten days' stay. D. L. Sackett and wife are enter-, taining their daughter. Mrs. F. M. Kilburn and children, of Corunna, are visiting her parents. John Croarkin and wife are enjoying a visit from their daughter. N. Keith, of Detroit, has been visiting his father. Frank Murdock is the guest of his mother and sister for a short time. L. D. Alley is erecting a fine new cottage at Base lake. Mrs. Tuffs was givena surprise party on her eighty-fourth birthday, Saturday, Aug. 18, by her daughter, Mrs. Barley. Among those present were Mesdames Buckaleu, Warren, Williams, Davis, Alley, Litchfield, and Copeland, all of this village, and Mrs. Cox, of South Lyons. A little daughter of Willis Collins, of Anderson, formerly of this place, had one of her limbs broken last Weduesday, by a kick from a horse. Next Monday, September 3, is school meeting. Bean harvest is the latest with the farmers here, and the erop is very small. Geo. Clark was at Ann Arbor. two days of last week. Will Dolan spent Sunday at Zukey lake. Frank Potter, of Detroit, spent the flrst of the week here. Geo. Huskinson and wife, Mrs. H. Clemmens, of Hartland, and Mrs. Geo. Flintoft, of Pettysville, were entertained at the home of A. Taylor and family last Sabbath. James Gregory received a bad cut on his right hand last Thursday while feeding grain into a threshing machine, and will not be able to work for some time. Mr. Scliermerhorn lias gone abroad for a few weeks. Miss Mabel Reade, of Hamburg, is the guest of the Misses Taylor this week. Mrs. Hill and daughter and E. Reeves spent Saturday and Sunday at Whitmore Lake. Miss Mattie Tuomey, of Scio, spent Sunday with relatives. Vernon Sawyer, of Hamburg, was on our streets ïuesday. George Reade spent the Sabbath in Webster. T. Payne and family. of Jackson, werft guësts of Mr. LJierce and family last week. Mate Cobb is home from her visit at Jaekson. J. S. Smith and wife are entertaining friends from abroad. Mr. Bryant and wife, of Battle Creek, are staying with friends. Mrs. A. Soulier, of Mt. Clemens, is spending a few days with her many friends. Miss C. Dolan spent last week with her friend at Hamburg Junction. Mrs. John Hill and Mrs. John Bell were Aun' Arbor visitors, Tuesday. Miss Belle Birnie has gone from Pinckney to visit her parents in Scotland. Mrs. Harry Bossoh, of Blissfield, is visiting her parents. Miss M. L. Clark, after spending the summer here, has returned to Huntington, Ind.


Ann Arbor Argus
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